Be able to buy all legendaries

We all love our legendaries, but it’s horrible when you make an alt, that is bound to an legendary that only drops from a world boss or a torghast floor.

Just make these open for purchase please.


you can already buy an item which gives you a random legendary you dont own yet.


Exactly. A random one.


yeah, then buy until you get the right one. :woman_shrugging: this way you dont have to wait for torghast or world boss.

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They cost a few minutes of grind each

i spent 1 hour getting all of them for my priest just because i dont want them dropping & clogging up my bags


I mean, isn’t Twisting Corridors a way to do that as well? Go in and out of L3 till you get the wings you want and then get the leggo, if you don’t feel like doing RNG

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You need to have ur anima thing connected to it or catalog research. No alt has this.

They should make them all freely available for Season 4. Most players will be done with SL content by then anyway.

You can also buy it for Cinders, I think for cataloged research, and there should be another resource you can buy it for.

But regardless on how available it is they should remove the anima conductor restriction. It is dumb that they allow you to get more anima to build the structures, and then realise that you are timegated to buy them until you get 4 locations permanently empowered.

Jesus… That’s so freaking dumb…
I have so much anima on my main and don’t know what to do with it.

Wish the legendary thing would be boa

That’s how I got my PvP Legendaries, so I didn’t actually have to take part :laughing:

in ZM is vendor with specific leggos i remember buying specific leggo from that vendor for cinders

See points above, also an alt is mostly just an alt.

Of course, also check if you actually need the legendary. I just get the ones I need, some I get by accident.

Yeah, I only PvP so I only care about the legendaries I use there :stuck_out_tongue:

Took me a weekend to get all legendaries, I ran torghast loads to get soul cinders to be able to buy them from Bonesmith in korthia.

Exactly. I have 10 characters.

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