Be the voice of Brewmaster

Community should wake up for this spec, we waited long enough for m+ tuning. Please tell your concerns and suggestions. Be the voice of this spec and make it good again (after years).

In my opinion, Brewmaster is good in raids but it is not in m+(for higher keys). It is good in raid because bigger group means healer can spare healing for tank. In m+, one healer is already healing others, dispells and tries to cc mobs. Self-healing is not sufficient for m+ (compared to other tanks). Needs a niche thing(prot paladin can intrup more and cr, warrior good against physical damage, dh crowd control and magical damage increase to team via their debuff on mobs, dk self sufficient, druid good against physical damage and cr). Also, durability against big pulls is bad. Solution to this is to give brewmaster a buff according to mob count around them.


I´ll wait for MoP Classic to have a Brewmaster how it should be. MoP till end of WoD Brewmaster was very nice to play.

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