Beards for trolls - Troll Beard Revolution

I like the clean shave with face paints type looks on my troll male characters, but some braided long jaw beard could fit some looks.


Yeeeehhhh. Of course, drawings and graphics made by fans are illegal. We could end up in prison. Oh nooooo. :smiley:

Besides, don’t be so toxic. This is a forum meant for sharing ideas with each other and with developers. I assume you play the game to relax your mind, and I’m sure you stare at your transmog before, so it’s “important” to you too what customization options you have for your characters.

And I apologize for never having used this interface before… so the commands are unfamiliar to me… Thankfully, there are normal, helpful people who don’t attack right away and understand jokes. Get a sense of humor and take a look in the mirror. You play the game, so I assume you have needs, just like others besides you may have needs too.

If the topic doesn’t concern you, then don’t comment on it.

“Acoholic tramps, living in rubbish piles”

Well, don’t comment if you’re a frustrated, 12 year old alliance roleplayer. That’s not why I opened the post. Don’t clutter it up.

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I only approve long beards that atleast touch your shoes .


I see a sense of humour is beyond you. Ironic you accuse me of needing one. If perchance you had taken the time to peruse my reply to Beerwolf and his photo, it may… just ever so slightly, given you a clue as to the context of my replies.

But still. You went right past “GO” without collecting your two hundred tender and landed straight on the “Take offence without even bothering to actually read the post” station.

Just as well I can’t put hotels on it, you’d look even sillier sitting there frothing and shaking your little three fingered hand at the screen.

OH and just FYI sonny. This isn’t your personal blog. If I want to reply to every and or any thread topic, I shall.

Remind me again who’s the tantrum throwing 12 year old…?

Keep your chin up and carry on.

(see what I did there lad? That’s another giveaway.)

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My mistake. You’re actually quite funny after all.

Taivan - Rebigguned :white_check_mark:

Troll beards now pretty please - my trolls need the same facial adornments allowed to the other races!


And a Kul’tiran moustache. :smiley:

I don’t like those suggested, especially muschae is completely out of place. Goaties fits best the trolls, I was also never fan of Dwarf-like beards on trolls. With that being said I support the cause anyway.

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Thanks. :smiley:

Obey the beard!

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