Beast Master self healing?

How are beast master supposed to stay alive in fights where dmg is unavoidable? as leech now only affects pets and does barely anything to us, and we have only 1 medium heal on CD, I find myself dying over time to damage with no way to self heal it back. pets are great till you are the one hit then you wish you were a ret pally popping WoG 100% crit heals every 4 seconds… even feral druids have lame regrowth.

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Don’t threat mate TWW is totally gonna fix all your woes.

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how so? i had a look but didnt look much different.

Thats what healers are for.

well no other class seems to need one, and when you’re doing rares like reef guy with unavoidable dmg hunters are ded.

Gosh, sorry you can’t solo every mob in the game by having your pets tank it and go afk.

So basically already have a tanks tankiness thanks to pets, more dps and you want to complete the triumverate by not needing a healer to kill an elite designed for groups that has ticking damage?

Do you honestly think thats reasonable?

But a paladin or druid can? Or a rogue or warrior? Or warlock or mage? Or evoker etc etc? All these classes can self heal, kite and hunter cannot self heal, so what good is a pet when your taking auto hot aoe damage you cannot avoid, and must heal or in a raid or dungeon, why can every other class self heal but bm hunter?

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