Beautiful wrapping paper, disappointing interior

With regards to the 8.2 release, I feel the urge to communicate my concerns on why the game despite all the attempts to fix its flawed aspects, still feels disappointing.

I think I am able to make the assumption that all types of players, base their experience around the class they’ve chosen to play with. Be it exploration, pet-battles, raiding, world pvp etc, we all want to connect with our class first and foremost.
As a pvp player myself, I would like to focus my attention on that alone, at least as far as this post is concerned.

Right now, in there era of ‘bring the player, not the class’ I feel deceived. I always thought that the aforementioned referred to a player’s skill and how that being incorporated or expressed in aspects of the game can result in a balanced and fun experience despite the infamous rock-paper-scissors logic, that was the basis of pvp since launch. Then arena came, and the balancing started revolving around it - it still does - resulting to the literal death of the solo pvp experience.

With all the attempts to reincarnate world pvp, and the revelation that ‘bring the player, not the class’ refers to accessibility more than to anything else, I must say the following:
The problem will never be fixed as long as there are specs that are unplayable, and players have to accept that and be forced into a spec they don’t enjoy just to be able to play their favourite class. It will never be fixed as long as balancing takes months and months to take place, resulting in deep disappointment and ultimately in the death of a player’s hype about playing the game. It shall never be fixed, whilst that balancing, when finally arrives, never truly does what it must, but rather makes the spec either unplayable or OP. ( I don’t even want to touch on the subject of Demon Hunters, Death Knights and generally the melee classes that are able to do way too many things, way too well, with such a low skill-cap).

Every professional should approach their profession as if the job they do is of the highest impact on society. That’s how I understand professionalism. Quite frankly, I feel that the inability to address all the above is lack of professionalism above everything else. If programmers were doctors, patients that could have easily been saved, would be dead.

Respectfully, to everyone that still values professionalism in this company,
make them hear you or leave. You’ve degraded your personal and professional self way too much already.

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