Before Neltharion became Deathwing. Who was the most powerful aspect

Before Neltharion was corrupted and became Deathwing. What order would the aspects be?

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What do you mean strong .
Strong in what - Arm wrestling ?
Each of them has their own strengths and weakness .
If you look at them as a small 6 man raid (or group)

You have Neltharion > the tank
Alexstraza > the raid leader and hybrid healer/dps
Malygos > the dps
Nozdormu > the guy with the boss tactics / raid buff dps
Yesera > the healer

It is like trying to say which is the strongest in rock paper scissors .
Rock beats scissors , scissors beats paper and paper beats rock .

Though in reality the one that had and still has the most potential is Nozdormu , who has the ability to go back in time and delete them before they even have a chance to enter the competition , or stack the odds in his favor so he can’t lose . And ironically his greatest adversary is he himself .

I didnt say strong i said most powerful. Because atm as aspects Alexstraza is the one is charge from the way it looks to me shes the Queen of Dragons.

And I’m asking again . What does powerful mean to you ?
How do you measure it ?
There are different kinds of power.
A king may be a king in title (supposedly the highest title in the kingdom) , but the most powerful political figure might be his first minister , most powerful spiritual leader might be the pope , and the most powerful soldier is Rambo .
If you can’t define the question properly there is no proper answer .

Either Nozdromu or Malygos :thinking:
Might means nothing if you could be sent away to the dawn or end of time or turned in to an apple by magic

Honestly I think Nozdormu is the most powerful, and always has been. I mean the dude can time travel, that’s seriously OP.

He’s too powerful to the point where the writers needed to keep him depressed about Murozond all the time to avoid him going 1v1 against all the threats. Forget about the usual “Travel in time to when your opponent was weak”. Time manipulation in itself is already very powerful, where you can cast a normal fireball spell, then time manipulate the spell itself to repeat 1000 thousands, or make the target suffer the same damage from the fireball for a thousand times, or make the opponent too slow and the user too much fast.

What a wasted potential…

I was more thinking “erasing you from the timeline entirely”. But yeah Nozdormu has the same problem as Malfurion, too OP to be plot relevant so the writers keep writing them out of the story.

Blizzard needs to kill alliance leaders to make the scale even. The biggest mistake was to give people like Malf and Jaina undeserved power ups.

Well at least they always could use them with the “Worf Effect”
Want a quick way to show how dangerous one of your unknown characters is? Simple, make them do well or win in a fight with a character that the audience already knows is tough. This establishes them as willing to fight and marks them as sufficiently dangerous.
Let’s say not the peak of storytelling nor the best of the technics but it works :roll_eyes:

From what I recall, Neltharion was always the strongest in raw power, Alex was more so chosen to lead because of bringing them all together during their proto-dragon times.

Even as aproto drake (in dawn of the aspectS) he was the only one who was able to surprise galakrond with raw strength. Hence the warder/protector, and hence why he was chosen to lead the war efforts against the legion, rather than Alex

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i dunno i feel like his handicapped by the titans since getting invovled would be interfering in the vision of time that the titans envisioned

Why people underestimate Ysera so much?

Maybe she would lose in a direct fight, but she has a whole lot of other op abilities. Her breath can put anyone to sleep. Even if it doesn’t deal any damage, you are defenseless while you sleep. She can jump between reality and the Emerald dream. Enter a well-guarded room, kill, and leave without noticing. She can also run away there when she starts losing a battle.
Ysera’s powers are more like assassin/rouge type than a healer. She can also heal and has minor abilities to see the future. I don’t know if it’s true, but I read somewhere that she was one of the faster dragons.

All of her stats are incredibly high, except defense.

I would put Malygos in second place. Arcane potential is almost limitless.

Third Nozdormu. Even though he can see the future, he cannot interfere in it at will. He knew about Deathwing’s betrayal years before the fact and did nothing about it.

the last is Alexstrasza. She has ordinary fire that can also heal. A useful ability, but not in direct combat.

All of them. The titans created them as equals.

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