Before new expansion starts

Please let us complete old content normally , not one hitting everything in our way which makes no sense, or atleast let us de-level to 59

You can lock XP at a NPC to prevent further progress. I also think the expansion will be added to Chromie Time eventually for a re-experiencing. Nothing prevents you atleast from creating an alt and going through that way when it opens up tho.

It does, as you progress in power so will the old denizens not be able to match it when you eclipse theirs. Or so the story goes anyway.

De-levelling is not a feature Blizzard provides to its players but a GM tool for fixing very serious errors during GM actions only.

If you have a good suggestion about it, flesh it a bit more out and add it through the ingame suggestion box too!


I think I may have submitted this suggestion before, but just in case, I submiied this right now:

Allow us to temporarily “de-level” our characters to any lower level exactly as if we were Party Synced with a character of that level.

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