For the love of god and all that is holy, give us more races. The lore is already messed up, you’re giving dragon boys more classes, druids more forms. Please I’m begging you, I love DH, there’s nothing like it, but I can’t stand the elves and I’ve been stuck with them for yeeeears now. I have waited and thought “it’s fine, theres a lot of programming going in to it” but now every other class is getting revamps, we have tauren rogues. It’s time! PLEASE. sad flappy noises
Can you explain what on earth race would even remotely suit a DH though? Gnome? Sorry to say we ain’t getting more race options for them and it should stay that way. It would look weird on any race especially lore wise.
If taurens can be rogues and anything can be death knights I think we can open up DH. I would love a vulperan DH but I get that might be a stretch, I’ll take anything at this point (anything but human, I play that every day)
And I understand that not everyone want to open DH up to other races but when it’s the only class you play and you’ve played it since legion, I just want something new, maybe a new colour wing, make the eye fire match the tattoo colours, the same flying the dragons are getting. Just anything really.
Orcs and draenei. No one even came close to dealing with the legion like they did, not even the elves. And a large part of both races themselves became members of the legion and using demonic magic took on demonic characteristics/powers similar to demon hunters. It’s clear that both races have full potential to be demon hunters + they hate the legion to the core because they are the ones who suffered the worst from it.
There are also examples in other blizz games:,_Demon_Hunter