Here we go again pve players being forced to play pvp because better gear. We have cringe valor cap that dont extend per week, if u were missing first week of Cata release you will be behind with it, which means your alts will suffer. Even with mains have issue where gear dont drop from heroic what you need, cringe Archaeology dont give you weapon u need even till this present day… So you r forced to play pvp for better options. Give us normal valor cap at least when u dont want to do nothing with Archaeology. Dont let people feels like we r in some punishent why we play this game.
Who is forcing you? Is someone inside your home threatening you? If so I would recommend contacting the police. Is you guild leader saying he’ll kick you from the guild if you don’t farm the items in question? In that case I would find another guild. Do tell, who exactly is forcing you to do this?
No one forces you to do anything, if you are acting as a degenerate you can blame only yourself.
Says guy who play gnome hunter!
Nice team dirty casuals get formed to protest because they dont want to farm gear, if they dont want to have better gear no one cant have it
If you only reply is to attack my character only proves that the problem is you and not the game.
You attacked first… if u dont have nothing constructive to say on topic dont bother to reply .
I have pointed out, just like shivette, that no one is forcing you to do pvp to gear for pve.
Again you can only blame yourself.
Pvp is not forced upon players, hell the pvp gear is objectively worse.
Unholy dk ONLY benefits from Viscious IF theres a setbonus for the 70str & it is to replace a 346 item. And even then it’s a minor upgrade.
Not needed at all. Hell the top parsers don’t have pvp gear.
And i can for a FACT as god as my witness or whatever religious ppl say, prove that you cannot buy skill. Skill > gear any day of the week.
Yes, probably the same guy who forced him to dig 10hours a day for the whole prepatch.
Depends what you play honestly I did not have seen leather caster bracers from nm or hc brc so I needed to buy 333 boe. For some people pvp gear is good option even for mele weapons r better than hc as far I know.
Is not that black and white, never was… U can have skill how much you want but if you dont have gear will suffer in raid. Bosses will take longer to kill, healers will go oom, tanks will die.
But we all know how some people thinks here… degenerate farm gear 10h+ and guess what people like that get carried by ppl who they called degenerate! I play this game long time to smell trash comments by some people here who never cleared any raid without being carried.
Wait why are you forced? Most of the pre raid BiS comes from reputation, dungeons and Justice point. Judging from what you gave out you’re either Plate DPS or a Caster as only those two specs need Archeology Weapon… In both cases you have at least 4 very similar (thanks to reforging) Blue weapon choices with at least one of them being a Blacksmithing recipe. Outside of occasional Trinket from PvP rep you’re not required to go PvP.
Okey sure if i have 300 ilvl & you 370, you’ll beat me regardless of skill. But if we’re being realistic.
Top parsers can have 348ilvl & people with 356 still be on top 200.
Thats my point. If you don’t know how to play your class you can have 10 ilvls higher than me & i’ll still beat you. Like snapshotting gargoyle properly can be 100k+ difference in damage.
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