Being unable to craft a weapon (blacksmithing)


I wanted to craft a weapon for myself. I am at the forge, have all the reagents, yet for some reason I cannot do it. When I mouseover the “create” button, it is greyed out and says “insufficient ingredients”. I attach a screenshot here:

Can someone help me understand what am I doing wrong?


Seems to be bugged because as far as I know the absolute minimum skill requirement for those crafts are 25
Have you tried putting the crafting ingredients into your bank and then back into your inventory?

You are trying to craft a Greataxe, a twohanded weapon, this requires 2 Sparks (2 of the same).
I guess the number in the recipe list checks only for base material and as none of the specific sparks is required, they count as optional material.

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this was it, the problem was that I needed to have 2 of the same type of spark, not 1 of each. I sorta assumed if I used 1 of each, I would be able to craft it and the ilvl would even out.

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