To many Demon Hunters, the defeat of the Legion has brought about a crisis. Uncertainty, a need to find a place to belong with their presumed purpose as a weapon against the Legion seemingly fulfilled. The demonic heroes have saved the planet from the universe’s greatest threat, and their leader has taken the ultimate sacrifice to see the Dark Titan defeated, only for the world to plunge into self-destructive, pitiful faction warfare.
The Fel Hunt walk the true path of the Illidari’s destiny. Focusing on the aspect of familial bonds within a brotherhood, they carve their own destiny, as their own people, defying the ideology that they are mere weapons, but still serving their true purpose - to protect this planet and practise the lengths and control of the power they gained, keeping each other in check and refusing to sit idly by. Upon the endless grounds of the eternal hunt they ride, singing their relentlessly triumphant tune with their enchanted battle horns, preserving their own practices but staying true to the Illidari all the way, following their salvation, Lord Illidan Stormrage, to the very end.
The Sin’dorei pack follow the lead of the alpha Xyrelen Bloodvale, Huntmaster of The Fel Hunt, though all are equals as brothers and sisters amongst the Hunt. Strengthening a true bond between one another, scouring the universe for remnants of the Legion and whatever malign force that may threaten the sanctity of Azeroth and the Illidari, answering to none but themselves.
The Fel Hunt
- Guild website
Hello AD. After some time of sealing ourselves off due to BfA’s treatment (or lack thereof) of Demon Hunters, The Fel Hunt has emerged once more. Made on the day of Legion’s pre-patch launch, The Fel Hunt is a long-standing, tightly-knit guild for Blood Elf Demon Hunters, sustaining solid activity over the past four years, now stronger than ever and seeking to bolster our numbers since we’ve once again picked up pace in the last few months.
We are a guild extremely passionate about Demon Hunters and Blood Elves, welcoming those of bountiful experience or minimal amounts who are wishing to learn in a welcoming environment with those knowledgeable of this nature of roleplay, who are always available to aid. RP amongst the guild is consistent and frequent, though primarily event-based, we have seen a massive surge of casual RP, especially recently, where we have been attending server-wide events. Cross-guild alliances are also forever forging for even more roleplay potential, where we run a private Illidari community between our guild, the lovely Night Elf Demon Hunter guild The Veiled Glaive, and any friendly independents interested.
Focusing on character development and the concept of brotherhood between Demon Hunters, we seek to keep numbers fewer than most guilds, and quality high, though there is no strict cap. The old concept of quality over quantity! We also ensure that Demon Hunters are played as the hero class they are, within the rather extensive lengths of their powers, harnessing all of the high-fantasy setting that WoW has to offer. Where playing such powerful characters can sometimes be difficult to pull off convincingly in the world of roleplay, the experienced environment built amongst the guild ensures that this is consistently held to high standards, and we are proud to uphold the legacy we have made between ourselves.
IC, the guild offers a safe haven and a close pack for Demon Hunters who believe strongly in a staunch following of Illidan Stormrage, progressing together on events and campaigns, and rising through the ranks with the traditions and rites set in place within the Hunt. They evade any Alliance or Horde conflict and remain neutral, true to the Illidari lore, forever moving out in the world and on the hunt. If your character is Horde-affiliated or spends a lot of his/her time in cities, you may wish to consider another guild.
OOC, the guild offers a laid back, fun and friendly environment. Our active, welcoming Discord server is mandatory to access important information regarding roleplay, and offers a number of interactive ways to get involved in and outside of game, linked directly to our website. We encourage further activity, like in-game content, and many of us have came to forge a tightly-knit community between members. Many systems in place are designed to spice up the guild roleplay, including a combat system (under development at the time of writing) to keep events interesting and allow for diversity within the guild. We also welcome the initiatives of our members, such as running events for the guild and progressing personal storylines.
And much more!
“The horns are blowing in the darkness as the great burning shadow forever looms over our lands. The time has come to answer the call yet again. Rise once more into the great hunt - The Fel Hunt.”
Demon Hunters are bound in solidarity with one another through their shared suffering and sacrifices, burning with a hatred for the Legion, but possessing a dutiful eagerness to use such a mighty weapon against any other evils. In the days before the assault on Mardum, a close band of Illidari grew to form a small band of Kaldorei and Sin’dorei brothers and sisters. Whilst The Fel Hunt has forever remained small, it will always be a true force to be reckoned with. The Fel Hunt seemed to have became a thing of legend when Lord Stormrage fell and the Illidari were sealed away in the Vault of the Wardens by the Warden Maiev Shadowsong, and many transformed into The Fallen Hunt - Felsworn Demon Hunters in service of the Legion, mirroring but warping The Fel Hunt’s image and ways.
Released once more upon Azeroth, tales brewed of an emergence of the second coming of The Fel Hunt. Bands of Illidari were seen sweeping through Azeroth and realms beyond, leaving a bloody trail of slain demons as they claimed their bounties, leaving their signature echoes in their wake - the sound of hunting horns, imbued with the power to strike fear into any demon’s heart.
Huntmaster - The leader of The Fel Hunt is the shot-caller of all actions carried out by the Hunt. A position passed down to the most worthy hunstmen who have proven themselves on the Hunt. All of The Fel Hunt answers to his or her call, whilst they bear the Horn of the Hunt. The ultimate charging force, their leadership permits them additions and alterations to the Hunt’s ways, initiation or exile of any kinsman from the Hunt, and control over the trials.
Harbinger - The fists of the Huntmaster; close kin who hold authority and power within the Hunt, acting as its officers, or leaders, in the Huntmaster’s absence. They have rose through loyalty and dedication, carrying their horn proudly. They make up The Fel Council - the acting leaders of The Fel Hunt. All hunters below follow their decree.
Wildeye - The very essence of fury itself burns away in these hunters’ eyesockets - an inferno that sparks away with embers of zeal and undying passion for the Hunt. Loyalty has been proven over time through acts of bravery and strength as a Hunstman. The Hunt will give their personal commendations and the Illidari will be bestowed the title of Wildeye by the Huntmaster, named after the Hunt’s legendary father, Fendyr Wildeye. The Rite of Wildfire will be taken, which sees their harnessed rage and unbridled fury grant their ascendance. This is the apex that most members will reach, championing them in the name of the Hunt. They are clued up on the traditions and story of the Hunt, and are permitted to lead their own hunts and assist in another hunter’s Trial of Reaping.
Huntsman - Sacred to The Fel Hunt, the Huntsman is the primary, main rank that many hunters will reach. They have shown to value the Hunt for what it is, and its traditions, serving the Illidari at their true core. Once the Call to the Hunt has been achieved, whereby a hunter will use his horn gained after the Trial of Attunement to lead the Hunt in a charge, they will be bestowed this rank. Ascension will coincide with an infusion of soul-stealing power by the Huntmaster’s Horn of the Hunt, whereby the horn will be enchanted and given a black, misty aura.
Hornbearer - These hunters ascend to the signified level of one that has initiated their trials to Huntsman, completing their Trial of Reaping. Once an Illidari’s hunting horn has been crafted, engraved and prepared as a trophy for the Hunt through the Trial of Attunement, they will be awarded with the title of Hornbearer of The Fel Hunt - their sacred right to blow the horn as a call to battle has been granted.
Bloodied - All Demon Hunters have undergone and survived trials most have died to. These warriors of fel have already passed a number of these tests, but testing that their interests align with the further dedication of The Fel Hunt is necessary. After tagging along with the guild for a short period of time, a befitting Illidari will soon be welcomed unto the Hunt’s fold, dashed with demon’s blood as a welcome and reminder of our true nature, through the Rite of Blood.
Illidari - Those who express an interest in joining The Fel Hunt. They will be invited along to gatherings and hunts for a short amount of time, just to test the waters of the hunter - not particularly the waters of their skill, but instead their suitability for The Hunt. This is treated as a ‘trial’ rank of sorts, and also serves the purpose of letting the hunter test the waters of the Hunt, to see if the guild is right for them.
Trials mentioned in the above rank listings can be found on our website.
Q. Uniform?
A. None. Try and stay true to the Illidari style - nothing outlandish by usual standards and you should be good.Q. Activity requirements?
A. Communication is key if you are finding yourself unable to commit as much as you would like. There is no strict attendance requirement, but appearing at least once every two weeks, preferably to an event, is generally what is expected.Q. Mandatory Discord? Really?
A. Yes.Q. Can I join on a non-Demon Hunter character?
A. No. The guild is strictly Illidari-affiliated Demon Hunters only, though we have a dedicated place for allied characters, which also includes those that wish to ride with the Hunt on a frequent basis. If you are interested in this, or any cross-guild interactions, see the contact details at the bottom of the post. We are always welcoming this kind of thing!
Thank you for your interest. This post will likely be updated consistently in the future. Happy hunting!
Applications are open. To apply, either contact an officer+ or fill in an application form on our website
found in the top right corner. The Important Information Forum in the Forums section of the website may answer a lot!
Feel free to contact to express any interest or inquiries in-game to an active officer+: Xyrelen | Xatheran | Sethíros
GM Discord: Xyrelen#2049