Belf or Zandalari Troll Outlaw rogue

Belf or Zandalari Troll Outlaw rogue for:


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Blood Elf. Leather gear looks great on us. Can’t speak for racials but the difference is so slim I doubt it matters.

Also the Blood Elf rogue fantasy is way stronger in general. Zandalari are more Shaman/Druid imo.


I agree with the poster above, leather looks great on Belfs.

Lore wise I think I favor the Zandalari more. They have a strong navy and so you can be a pirate/ Zandalari ship captain/ Assassin, etc.

The only thing I don’t like is how male blood elf stealth. Other than that, choose whichever one you like best.


I thought the meme was undead rogue?


While Zandalari look awesome, I still think belf still has the upper hand because they can at least wear boots.


Idk. In my opinion i think that belfs looks great in leather!


I often when I am thinking of making a new class look at the transmog sets then put them on the race modle i am intrested in

for example

then i go to the dressing room to get a visual look

I hope this helps in your quest :slight_smile:



  1. Depends what you think looks cool. Other people’s opinions on this are largely irrelevant given you’re the one playing the char.
  2. Belf dispel is useful, then again blind -> Regeneratin’ is a duel-decider. Pterrodax swoop allows you to pull off some nice escapes/tricks in BGs and world pvp. Zanda have options to select more defensive racials for pvp (movement speed, leech proc, proc for bonus hp/armour)
  3. Belf dispel is very useful, crit is okay for OL. Zanda regeneratin’ much less useful in pve tbh but can be useful in select scenarios to take pressure off healer. Zanda can select their DPS racial based on need, the crit proc performs well for cleave with OL has tons of. Id’ say their passive are even, but active belf has slight edge.
  4. Zanda because they skip the first 20 levels. Outside of this your race makes next to no difference on levelling outside of Vulpera due to their racial return to camp being a timesaver. Zanda will generate more gold when levelling and I guess you can use regeneratin’ combined with stun/blind on non-immune tough elites to pull off the kill.
  5. Depends on what you like as 1).

With pvp which one is better is im mainly going to do pvp

and with transmogs i like them both equally so it is hard for me

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Belf, smaller and more sneaky

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Belf racial is good in PvP where you’re organised as you can sync your dispel with others. Most effective against classes that lean on buffs to function.

Zanda better for disorganized where you play as a solo agent as you have opportunities to sneak off and regen up. Zanda better for 1 v 1s.

Zanda model easier to spot than belf, negible as you’re invis a lot.

I’d argue Zanda passive have edge as 1% crit is rarely a deal-breaker, but leech proc can be, as can bonus armour proc if you choose it.


Go Blood Elf! Zandalari Trolls do not seem like the rogue type to me, more like shaman. Arcane Torrent is extremely useful both in PvE and PvP. In King’s Rest for example, there are packs of minions of zul that will fear everyone they touch and have a damage absorb shield on them. An Arcane Torrent from a BE or a Mass Dispell from a priest are the easiest ways of removing these adds.


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