[BElf-RP Farstriders] The Blood Ravens 🏹

This seems interesting, Shame I am in the process of making a Blood Knight at the minute, tabard only unlocks at level 58. :weary:

Otherwise I’d totally be down to make a Farstrider.


Just thought i’d bump this thread up a little bit \o/

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A bump for the best profession.


Rate our line-making skills 1-10.

Then subtract 4 points and you’ll have an indication of how good we are at forming straight lines without the help of a fence or wall. :smiley:


The two guys should have both been place on the far ends, would have looked better. But I would give it a… 8, atleast.

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The right-most elf is not wearing the tabard. 0/10

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Myla will get to wear a tabard when she has EARNED one! :muscle: :bow_and_arrow::skull: :warning:

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When is she going to EARN one, then? Somewhere this week?

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Once she has attended and passed Basic Training, displayed that she has the required mindset, succeeded in a number of trials, and been sufficiently shot/cut/crushed/jumped/ambushed without freaking out. All in the line of duty for Quel’Thalas of course :v:


100% qualified my friends, just you wait and see!

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If you were, I’m sure you’d wear the tabard.

Well I mean in our guild it takes some IC effort to get the tabard, don’t know about yours though it was already explained when and how you gain the tabard so.

Its invisible, an invisible tabard nod


A tabard of the heart :heart_decoration:

You just have to believe? :smiley:

Like the old Sin’dorei fairy tale called The Farstrider’s New Clothes?

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Exactly except not as royal and well yeah.

And nobody could pull it off better!

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Many thanks to members of Starcursed, the Thalassian Skyguard, the Blood Ravens and to various other RPers (Cultist NPCs and otherwise) who created Harbingers of the Eclipse!

Two units present at the Lodge in Silvermoon uneasily set off into the Ghostlands, urged on by the threat to their homeland

There are two kinds of military guilds

… Those with winged companions and those who have to hike :frowning:

Meanwhile, at the cultists’ ambush site. Excellent spooky emotes from everyone here and fantastic immersive fighting

@Coldsháde vs. N’zoth Cultist vs. Sin’dorei-pretending-to-be-a-cultist (or was she really???). Credit is due for Coldshade who kind-heartedly gave this double reverse quadruple agent a chance of escape

Sadly the Sin’dorei do not take kindly to the Ren’dorei in their neighbourhood, despite the fact that the void elves were helping fight the void, so they are forcibly escorted out of Quel’thalas

The cultists, however, have other plans


The Blood Ravens regrouping

The Skyguard sky guarding, which was followed by tense aerial combat versus the serpents

The big baddie: the Prophetess of N’zoth. Destroyer of sanity.

It was fantastic, thanks so much everyone. :purple_heart: :milky_way: :bow_and_arrow: :drop_of_blood:


A report with updates is deposited into the ever-growing stacks of papers and other matters demanding Captain Stardreamer’s attention.

Medical report
Various injuries sustained during the emergency homelands defence operation.

At a Void ambush in Goldenmist Village:

  • Firewalker. Void bolt to the shoulder, blunt damage to knees (all mended). Void corruption (cleansed).

At the summoning site, a beach south of Windrunner Spire:
Team’s spirit and constitution was bolstered by a blessing of the Light. Team remained affected by the whispers and bad dreams of the Void.

  • Firewalker. Blunt damage at the waist/abdomen, side of the head (treated).
  • Goldenstrider. Void bolt to the chest, breathing issues due to punctured lung (mended).
  • Goldpath. Multiple minor cuts to the arm (treated).
  • Sunwyrme. Bite wound to the leg, corrupted (cleansed and mended).

At the Thalassian Pass elfgate:
Team was mentally assaulted by the Void.

  • Firewalker. Void bolt to hip and shoulder, stab wounds to the face (all mended).
  • Rivermist. Cut in the hand (cleansed and treated).
  • Sunwhisper. Void bolt to the chest (treated).
  • Whitemoon. Blunt damage to the head. Void corruption (cleansed and mended).

At the site of the final battle in Zul’Mashar:
Team enjoyed a few days of recovery before resuming duty. Void assault of the mind continued.

  • Firewalker. Arrow fragment in the forearm (treated).
  • Goldenstrider. Thrown by an explosion. Blunt damage to head, torso, right arm, left leg (treated).
  • Goldpath. Thrown by an explosion. Temporary deafness. Blunt damage to both ankles. Void-corrupted (cleansed and mended).
  • Rivermist. Thrown by an explosion. Bolt to the chest (treated).
  • Sunwhisper. Injured at the ribcage (treated).
  • Whitemoon. Thrown by an explosion. Multitude of fractures including head and spine (mended).

Medical status

  • Everwing. Fighting fit.
  • Firewalker. Fighting fit.
  • Goldenstrider. Bedrest.
  • Goldpath. In recovery.
  • Nightbringer. Fighting fit.
  • Rivermist. Fighting fit.
  • Sunwhisper. Fighting fit.
  • Sunwyrme. In recovery.
  • Whitemoon. Bedrest.