[BElf-RP Farstriders] The Blood Ravens šŸ¹

Forget them ditching us, we must ditch the evidence of knowledge.

Iā€™ll just leave it hereā€¦


Happy New Years Eve!
Great things to come at the beginning of the new decade for the Ravens. Monster hunting, scouting, training, making friends and, naturally, plenty of fuss for the lodge cat!


Since weā€™ve wrapped up this mission, I can now safely post the Orders we received in advance, which we (partially) carried out last month. Open the image in a new tab to see at an easily readable scale.

None of this went as planned though. When we eventually caught up with the thieves, weā€™d been convinced of their innocence and decided to let them walk. We canā€™t know for sure but the suspicion is that the actual culprit was a local from that desert camp who took advantage of the visitorsā€™ presence.

Bloodshed avoided by Blood Ravens, whatā€™s next?

Remuster takes place this Friday following the holidays, and weā€™re kicking off with a round of training as we prepare for action later this month, so pop on by the Farstrider Square in Silvermoon for walk-up-friendly Military RP. :bow_and_arrow: :smiley:


And so with a lesson on ethics and what it means to be Farstrider the second season of the Blood Ravens begins.

Recruitment is open again, events are coming up on the schedule every week, and many great things are coming along!

Also we have free beer. :beer:


Having relayed the news of the early morning departure to anyone heā€™s seen, Firelle finishes his stretches, then takes an early night at the Farstrider Retreat.

Much like the others, he sleeps upstairs in his bedroll, but a good 90 minutes before sunrise heā€™s already awake and about again. Although the braziers and fires spread a bright glow, a nip in the air can be felt, and the shadows shrouding the surrounding woodlands seem to have a life of their own, beyond the reach of the flames.

First thing, Firelle packs up the bedroll; having slept in his clothes heā€™s already fully dressed, so he makes a round along the building to say ā€œgood morningā€ and ask for any news from whoever of the Ravens or the locally residing units are up as well. Then he speaks briefly with an elf in charge of cooking; with permission he pours some of the clean water supply into a cauldron and hangs it up above one of the campfires to get it on the boil.

Rather than waiting around at the cooking area, the young elf leaves his pack, bow and belt in charge of someone else and goes to the shore.

He keeps on all his clothes as he strides right into the water; no matter how prepared his mind is, the cold always comes as a shock to the body anyway. He inhales a sharp hiss and clenches his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering, holding his breath as well as the waist deep water soaks into his clothes and makes them heavy.

Slowly he leans forward and submerges himself into the river, swimming upstream a few strokes, pushing back against the moderate currents. Reeds grow everywhere. Avoiding the thickest patches and the large lily pads stretching upward from the surface, he keeps his head and most of his hair above the water. As he steadily swims up to the fork in the river, he hears the increasingly loud sound of falling water further ahead. Thatā€™s where heā€™s going.

This close to the waterfalls the rush becomes a roar louder than a lieutenant can shout.

Feeling solid ground under his knees Firelle eases into a standing pose, letting the worst of the water stream and then drip off of him; by now he has been thoroughly refreshed and itā€™s easier to see the woodland around him.

A narrow and steep path has been worn out by elven feet and animal paws nearby, leading up alongside the waterfalls. Drawing a slow breath he sniffs the air; none of the beast scents are less than a day old. He concludes this means either this path sees no current use ā€“ unlikely ā€“ or itā€™s still too early for the lynx, deer or rabbit to come drink.

Insects chirp everywhere around him and the birdsong coming from the trees is in full swing despite the lingering darkness.

The path takes only a brief climbing effort to scale, and once heā€™s at the top, Firelle glances about, both to see his surroundings and to verify that anyone watching this way from the Retreat can still see him.

Up here above the falls, the river flows much faster and wilder and he crosses at the most safe point just before the bend, cautiously striding across with deliberate and slow steps, finding his footing each time before taking the next pace as the water unrelentingly pushes on his legs.

A short hike later he returns to the lodge, freshened up and relaxed with damp clothes and the tips of his braids dark and soaked from the water. By now, the cauldronā€™s contents have boiled and the braziers have all been refuelled by the present Farstriders, so he boils a good dozen eggs and brews herbal tea out of the rest of the water.

Around him, as he warms and dries himself by the main fire and eats breakfast, the Retreat comes to life as red-clad or green-clad hunters rise and prepare for a new day.


I have a question, do you recruit rogues as well? thereā€™s scouts in the Farstriders as well iirc :slight_smile:

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jumps from the catwalks above

Hello there!
No at this time and for the foreseeable future we are focusing exclusively on Hunters (regarding a toonā€™s OOC class), either aspirants looking to become Rangers or experienced Rangers who wish to continue their service to the Kingdom and expand their knowledge of the Path (of the Farstrider).



I did see you guys but I was in a rush for something and thus didnā€™t actually stop to talk! I do apologise!

I saw you as well! Your transmog stood out :smiley: Donā€™t be shy to come say hi when youā€™re next around the area, Kyrvanas.

Iā€™m currently trying to get exalted blood elf so I can see if any of the heritage can make a good mix match with the outfit

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Been a while since I have seen a new farstrider based guild come up! And it makes for some interresting RP! I will for sure keep an eye out! :slight_smile:

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jumps from the hedges and snapshots the thread, Erol Flynn style

Aha! Have at thee! :bow_and_arrow:

Robin Hood: Men in Tights heroic pose


Personal journal entry - F. Firewalker
15th Ranger Group aka ā€œthe Blood Ravensā€
84 days since enlistment

These lands of everlasting spring have been my home for as long as I can remember. The gold, pink and scarlet of our architecture not only reflects the boldly coloured flowers and trees, but also every sunrise that sets the horizon beautifully on fire. Every single day the eternal sun creates such spectacle, such a breathtaking sight over the ocean yet many of us hardly glance at these things anymore.

I wouldnā€™t go so far as to say the sinā€™dorei take such things for granted, though. Quite the opposite; we work purposefully towards our future exactly because it is such a hard-earned one, a future for which weā€™ve paid a dear price. And as a people we remain very conscious about this. Many still preach the value of stopping to smell the roses, and living life to the fullest because tomorrow is never a certainty.

No, we donā€™t take what we have for granted; rather, we are so busy steeling ourselves and preparing for the next strike that weā€™ve almost grown too serious to enjoy it. More and more, we have come to view sunrises and flowers as childlike, trivial things that temporarily lift our mood as we chase from one important ambition to the next.

As much as I love the High Kingdom in all its splendour, my thoughts frequently return to the wider world. Perhaps most of all, I yearn for the flow of the seasons that mark each yearā€™s passing. While I can live without snow and ice or scorching heat and dust, Quelā€™thalas lacks a component of natural cycles and as a result feels somewhat artificial, unsustainable, as if the blessing is a tenuous one that might falter at any moment.

Of course it isnā€™t.

But I miss seeing the blossoms and young life of spring gradually give way to warm, buggy, lazy, hazy summers, only to grow colder and for the trees to shed their leaves, which will in turn become mulch. Dead food for the mushrooms until even those wither away from frost and the whole world slows down into an introspective, frozen state, in which the nurturing earth silently waits for the first enterprising snowdrop bulb to unfold its petals from the snow.

I often wonder whatā€™s going on outside of the walls of this paradise; how life might be in all the other places I once called home, too, or whether old friends and enemies might still be around.

Whether there is anyone who remembers what I remember.

Yet most of all, even when none of these things occupy my mind, and Iā€™m perfectly happy and focusing on my training within Silvermoon City, I hear the call of the wilds.

These trips to my sacred and isolated camp let me recharge when Iā€™ve ignored that call for some time. Here, my mountain keeps me safe, my tree gently whispers me to sleep, and my campfireā€™s glow is seen by none in this forgotten corner of the kingdom. And now, with my lynx keeping me company, things could not get any better.

(Firelle and Sierra. Art by Kismetta)

Ever since Iā€™ve started caretaking that cat, Iā€™ve felt a profound sense of rest and contentment that I previously didnā€™t even know was lacking. If only I could keep Sierra by my side forever, or at least reach out to her spirit ā€“ I feel as though weā€™ve a lot in common, and the thought of seeing the world from her perspective fills me with excitement ā€“ but I will keep my word. Farstrider Kelafon should eventually return and it would not be right for me to intrude on their special connection.

The lynx is bonded with him, not with me.

It has become apparent to me that the repeated yowling is a sign of longing for Kelafon, or perhaps simply a beckoning cry that she normally calls him over with. In either case, we cannot soothe it. At least she responds fairly well to distraction. I would hate to see her banished from the lodge and the square due to noise complaints.

Surprisingly, Sierra isnā€™t very well liked by my friends; NarmĆ« respects the lynx, but most of the Ravens tolerate her at best. They are a good bunch though. Iā€™m gradually developing bonds of trust and sharing with these elves, in particular with Scarab, Lady and (to my astonishment) the captain.

(Ellynnia by ShadowPriest)

Scarab, Rivermist, presents herself as an exceptionally keen and ambitious Ranger whose devotion to the job is rivalled only by Sunwhisper. It seems to me that she feels ashamed after making any unintended display of emotion; with a combination of that significant self-control, the probing information-gathering, and the impressive ability to rationalise anything, Rivermist makes for a hell of a Raven. A formidable ally and solid friend, but I suspect that she remembers a lot and holds deep grudges, so sheā€™s the kind Iā€™d better not cross.

Lady, or Whitemoon, on the other hand, superficially comes across as a seasoned warrior with a close connection to nature. Very defensive when it comes to her noble family background ā€“ for example, when I say ā€œthanks for buying me this drinkā€ she canā€™t help but mention it ā€“ and she takes every opportunity to mention that she lived in Orgrimmar for five years and loved it.

The other night when an important, arrogant elf named Chadius spoke derisively about everything non-sinā€™dorei, Whitemoon became quiet and upset, but Rivermist and I played along and pretended to agree. (Who wants an important person taking a dislike to us and our unit?) It is moments like these that make me believe Lady has a far more tender heart than sheā€™d like everyone to believe; sheā€™s a gentle soul and that makes it special that sheā€™s chosen to trust me.

Finally, the captain. For reasons beyond me, a practical training in exotic Ranger skills (communicating with spirits of nature) turned into a personal and frank discussion about her past and her current challenges. Despite this, she remains an authoritative and competent figure who has earned the respect and appreciation of every last member of her team. A feat that not many commanders can boast.

All in all, this team of Farstriders is turning out a disciplined and professional one in which Iā€™ve found everything I was looking for in an enlistment.



Medical MIST report

Patient: I. Whitemoon, Ranger, Blood Ravens
Responding medic: F. Firewalker, Ranger, Blood Ravens
Time of treatment: approximately 21:00, 28-01.

Mechanism of injury:
- Unknown, presumably airborne contamination, possibly magical.

- Pt. is short of breath, has a sore throat, impaired vision and bloodshot eyes, and complains of a headache and illness. Dark circles below the eyes are visible.
- Pt. is visibly sweating and out of breath after minor exertion.
- Pt. states that these symptoms began this same afternoon, shortly after a patrol of the Eversong-Ghostlands border.

- Pulse not checked.
- Capillary response not checked.
- Temperature: elevated, feverish.
- Respiration: uneasy, laboured breathing.
- Conscious state: alert, albeit sluggish and dazed.
- Additional notes: Pt. complains of a tight feeling around the throat and a feeling of a heavy head.

- Administered a single dose of Kingsblood fluid extract mixed with 100 ml. of water.
- Pt. was instructed to consume the remedy at the recommended slow intake rate.

- Pt. is advised to remain under supervision until symptoms have cleared.
- Pt. is advised to return to Silvermoon City per direct and undergo a more thorough examination.
- Pt. is specifically advised an examination by a priest to rule out the possibility of magical afflictions originating in the Ghostlands.


Wingardia Leviosa! Wait noā€¦ Windgardia Levi- no no, uhmā€¦ Wi- oh f[CENSORED]. Just get up there you silly thread! UP! :mage:


Medical MIST report

Patient: V. Dawnhold, Initiate, Blood Ravens
Responding medic: F. Firewalker, Ranger, Blood Ravens
Time of treatment: approximately 23:30, 06-02.

Mechanism of injury:
- Sword cuts, made by wraiths.

- Pt. has a moderately severe laceration vertically across the chest, over the heart region.
- Pt. has a minor laceration down the left forearm.

- Pulse not checked.
- Capillary response not checked.
- Respiratory rate: initial elevated breathing, later normal respiration.
- Conscious state: alert and oriented.
- Moderately rapid bleeding.

- Administered three leaves of dried Dragonspine.
- Pt. was instructed to chew the leaves, then press the pulp against the gums until the pain was sufficiently dulled.
- Cleaned and prepared the chest wound for suturing.
- Sutured the chest wound with a lock stitch.
- Cleaned the forearm cut and bandaged both.

- Pt. is advised to rest until recovered.
- Pt. is instructed to self-assess both injuries for signs of infection twice a day.
- Pt. is advised to seek a mender or medic immediately, if infection sets in or if he experiences any unusual mental or physical symptoms.


With the mystery of missing supplies and Rangers solvedā€¦ and the destruction of a few Dark Rangers who were responsible for both, the Ravens are on their way back to Silvermoon.

:bow_and_arrow: :bird: :smirk_cat:





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I still owe that stupid alchemist a baseball bat to her headā€¦ :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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