[BElf-RP Farstriders] The Blood Ravens 🏹

It was already dead in the night, all the trolls in the village had turned into sleep and only a couple of watchers patrolled around, calmly joking with each other. The silence of the night was only interrupted by the hammerings of a single blacksmith.

“Twonk, twonk, twonk.” was heard from the blacksmiths region, a tall elf was working all by himself, sweat was running down his forehead while his tribal tattoos were changing shape with each strike of the hammer. The Elf looked angry and tired but his tempo was sustained, the piece of metal took its form with each bashing.

His mind was full with thoughts of distrust, the image of charred elves lingered through his skull, he could not imagine his brethren were taken out so easily. As if they were just ants under a great magnifying glass.

“Sixteen” he murmured after his last strike of the hammer.



The Hinterlands event-chain wraps up tonight with the mystery surrounding the elusive “Magister’s daughter” and the betrayed and murdered Rangers of Captain Feanor Gloomwood finally coming to light.

Following tonight’s event, the team will return to Silvermoon… though I can’t say in what shape we will be in. Assuming the Blood Ravens are well enough to even walk, we will be active around Farstrider Square and Eversong with training, socializing, and being awesome as always.

And yes, we are still recruiting!


Posting on an alt because these new forums have rules that make less sense than BFA’s storyline…

And we are back from the Hinterlands, but the show ain’t over yet! With one loose end left the truth behind the events surrounding the abduction of the Magister’s daughter are coming to a close this week…


Might have to drop Ky here


Hi Ky! From another Ky!

Although being based in Orgrimmar means I’ve not had the chance to RP with Blood Ravens specifically, I have RP’d for years with many of their members and definitely recommend them!


Aaaah we’ve been expecting you! OK, not really but had to use that line… :grin:

Orgrimmar during the summer months. Dust, heat, and sweaty Orc feet. I don’t envy you… :stuck_out_tongue:

So, the grand Festival of Dath’remar begins tonight (every time I type Darth Remar instead of Dath’remar) at Sun’s Reach Harbor on the Isle of Quel’danas, and we will be there! Can’t miss us, we are the best looking Elves around there!


A friendly reanimation from the depths of the forum is in order I guess… :bow_and_arrow::skull:


Twelve camouflaged elves, or the roughly 300 well-trained Alliance troops we’ve scouted ahead… who would win?
we’re still thinking about it



It’s like a game of “Spot the Ranger” that screenshot. :stuck_out_tongue: At some points while DMing from a flying mount I lost sight of the group. Damn those greens!


Serves you right! Once you go blue, you’ll never… errr… miss a clue.

That’s cool and all, but once you go green, you never go… uhh… clean?

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Once you go Gray, you turn Ga -[User has been suspended]

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Aeranthiel is a cool dude.


Being gay is not a choice. It is something that happens when ever J.K Rowling decides it’s your time.


26th of the 8th

Hi mom,

Guess where I am right now? I’m on deployment! It’s currently unclear to me whether I’m supposed to keep our locations and operations a secret until after the entire thing is through, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. Loose lips sink ships, as the saying goes. That said, I’ve been on some very exciting Farstrider missions so far.

Let me tell you about the Ravens.

Just as you predicted, the captain has been good to me, and to the others as well. She’s smart and funny and doesn’t try to keep the pressure on all the time. In a way that Duskwatch rarely allows himself to do, the captain relaxes and truly seems to become ‘one of us’ when we’re not in the middle of something.

I’m very glad I took up this enlistment, in retrospect I don’t quite understand why I waited so long! It worked out well though, because this way, I’m working with a superior who knows me. He actually put me in charge of scouting an objective once already. It felt good that I was chosen to be trusted with some responsibility, no matter how small.

Each and every one of my teammates have been nothing short of wonderful; already we’re becoming friends, already I feel at ease around them. Sometimes the feeling of connectedness reminds me of Full House, do you get that too? And do you experience the same sense of belonging at the clinic? (For obvious reasons I’m not going to leave a return address on this letter, so you’ll have to tell me when we return home. At least now I can’t forget to ask)

The most enjoyable and challenging aspect of the job, in my opinion, is recon. It’s almost like playing hide and seek with an unsuspecting participant - “I see all, but none see me.” It makes me feel as if I’m Tummy prowling on some birds.

On one occasion we crossed an entire zone on foot, sneaking from cover to cover as we scouted out the main areas of (current) interest and took note of our findings.

I came very close to some humans, close enough to hear their laughter and discern the words of their conversation.

As you’d expect, it was nothing worth repeating!

I’m looking forward to the next day each evening. Walking long distances isn’t that tiring. The climbing is definitely tiring, but with the dragonhawks standing by, we’ve been able to reach our objectives without too much trouble. The hawk who carries me is called Crispy.

I haven’t yet been told what we’re up to today but I’m sure it’ll be announced shortly, and that we’ll ace it, like always! It was lovely to be cheering together last night as we succeeded in our mission and I can’t wait to do it again tonight.

I’ll be careful though, don’t worry.
Love you mom.


29th of the 8th, very early morning

Like every day, Timenora checked the letterbox on her way to the door; not like every day, there was something in it today.

Three items of mail. With her thoughts still back at the clinic she had just departed, the middle-aged elf fished the envelopes out of the box and strolled the last few steps up to her door, her key at the ready.

Out of impatience and curiosity, she thumbed along the three envelopes.

A party invitation… a letter from one of her pen pals… then she recognised her daughter’s handwriting on the third envelope.

Her heart leapt into her throat and took her breath away. Hastily Timenora opened the door and swung it open with her shoulder, barging inside, tossing the thee letters straight onto the sizeable dinner table.

The eight chairs stood neatly pressed against the table, so she pulled one out, but she did not sit down just yet. Her house was dark and at a pleasant temperature, but it felt empty rather than comforting. In her haste she didn’t bother putting on the hearth fire, only lighting the oil lamps in the dining room as the thoughts raced through her head.

What if Aide was in trouble?
What if she got lost?
What if…

Stopping that train of thought, Timenora finally sat down and sighed. Her chubby fingers trembled as she opened the unsealed envelope and skimmed over the lines.

29th of the 8th, mid-afternoon

“Morrowind! Are you listening to me?”

Timenora blinked her eyes - she had indeed not been listening - and focused on Wintersun, the doctor sitting in front of her. He was an older man with a stern hawk-like face and gruff but fair mannerisms. They were quite fond of one another, but he was all serious now, gazing up at her expectantly from his seat behind the clinic’s desk.

“Sorry Doctor… could you please repeat that?” she asked him with a tight-lipped smile.

Wintersun remained silent, but his eyebrow perked up half an inch.

Feeling the pressure rising inside, Timenora forced a wider smile, casting her gaze down with mild embarrassment. She heard him ask gently, “What’s wrong with you this past week, Time? What’s been bugging you?”

She blurted out the words in response, eager to get it off her chest if nothing else, staring at the clutter on Wintersun’s desk surface meanwhile.

“Bael, it’s my daughter… she has joined the military and I’m worried. She’s fine, but with her and Victor both deployed now, it’s so quiet around the house. They’re the only two children I have left. And of course I wouldn’t have stopped her from doing what she needs to do, but… well, erm, anyway.”

Taking a deep breath Timenora ceased her rambling and shook her head to herself. She heard Wintersun push his chair back and step around the desk, coming up next to her. He took her hand and squeezed, only replying, “Yeah?”

She nodded once, drawing another breath and exhaling before continuing in a more controlled voice.

“To be honest… I’m afraid that half the reason my daughter left home, is because of me.”

Despite Bael’s sweet reassurances and the successful work done during the second half of her shift at the clinic, that thought kept gnawing at her for the rest of the day.


Now with art! I’ve drawn a sketch of my characters Aide and Timenora during happier times.


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100th post
Taken by your local sorcerer.