[BElf-RP Farstriders] The Blood Ravens đŸč

It is the eve before a deployment! The Ravens have been instructed to stay at the Lodge overnight in anticipation of the ever-mysterious time of departure. Exciting stuff coming up. :bow_and_arrow: :bird:

Despite going to bed at a reasonable hour, one elf remains awake for most of the night. He has picked the first available bunk next to the doorway, and it appears that he prefers to remain almost fully clothed; he wears the plain green and dark grey clothes he normally has on under his Greens. He does not use a pillow.

As it turns out, Firelle is an annoyingly restless sleeper. For the first hour of the night he can be heard frequently rustling his covers as he turns to his side, or onto his back, or on his other side.

Eventually he slips into sleep, but it is not a peaceful or comatose state of deep rest – the fitful tossing and turning continues in his unconscious state too. And he is noisy. Sometimes a hard sigh escapes him. A murmur or quiet groan, rapid breathing which always ends in a gasp and a confused (yet brief) half-awakening, where he peers around at the slumbering figures around him, only to slowly lean his head back and drift off again.

Twice during the night Firelle gets up, disappearing for more time than you’d take for a nightly toilet break or to get some water.

Both times he returns to the bunk room with a light step, padding into the room on socks with his shoes in his hand. Casting cautious glances around to see whether the light catches the glint of any open eyes from the bunks around him.

Come morning, he’s awake before the wake-up call is sounded, promptly rising and getting fully dressed. A quiet apology is privately said to the Ravens who occupied the two bunks nearest to him: “Sorry if I woke you up.”


Promotions were handed out last night, four of us made it from initiate to ranger after a observation in the field and training! I was honestly so happy to have made it, its refreshing to find a guild so immersive and true to the progression and work it would take to be promoted ^^
It makes the reward all the more special. Love this guild and all of the people in it. <3


These guys are no (ultra)marines, and they may be elves, but they’re still pretty damned great.


Personal journal entry - F. Firewalker
15th Ranger Group aka “the Blood Ravens”
29 days since enlistment

The Farstrider Square has been my home for four weeks now, and the Ravens have quickly become my family. Training is getting harder all the time, yet somehow it feels right, like it’s always been in my blood. I write these words from a hill in Eversong, during a week of Campcraft practise; for many, it’s the first night in the woods and their nerves and inexperience shows. Among the initiates at least.

Together with four others, I earned my Bloods this weekend and it feels great. It feels earned. I’m now on equal foot with the sarcastic scruffy Spoon, my dearest rival Rivermist, and all the other Blooded Ravens – and pleased to say that De’morae, Drywinter, Sunwhisper and Whitemoon all passed their trials and made the cut as well.

It looks like Lion, Eventwist, Goldilocks and a few others were held back, though.

I’m making a habit of checking in with everyone when I get the chance, not just to make friends but also to see how well they’re adjusting to this life. It’s still a bit early days but I can gladly count many of the Rangers and initiates among my friends. I am respected for my habits and appreciated for my skills.

Then came the deployment orders.

My first mission with this team, it turned out eventful, but also very short thanks to the magical and sky-based transport provided for us.

The airship that took us to our objective was not only for us to use; we shared the quarters with several other sin’dorei units, each of them utilised in a certain role according to their respective strengths.

Our role was to be the bait.

The plan was that we’d draw out the enemy by causing a fuss at their gates, then fall back with speed and pepper the guards with arrows and (surprisingly) grenades. Our more melee combat-oriented allies would then teleport into the middle of their base and take them by surprise. If the enemy would follow us, that’d be advantageous because there’d be lower numbers inside, and if they’d remain on their post, we’d still get some free shots at them to roughen them up.

Nobody had anticipated that the guards would be faster than us.

The captain had placed myself and four others into a forward group, to be doing the taunting; meanwhile Spoon was given command of the rest of the team, on overwatch in an alcove high above the field. As the captain’s group started falling back by twos, the guard came after us immediately – and kept up! It smashed repeatedly at those closest to it along the way and turned out to be incredibly tough. Resistant to even the most well-aimed grenades thrown by Spoon’s support team.

Then, two more guards showed up from the gate and returned fire to our overwatch.

Our teamwork crumbled.

A clear sign of inexperience – some of us have done this sort of thing many times before, others hardly held a bow in their life, but nobody has been in the field long enough together to develop the smooth cooperation that comes with time and much repetition.

At one point the captain took a hit (I didn’t see how it happened) and I made a runner to fetch her to safety, while I had Drywinter and Brightvein covering me. One of the ranged enemy came around a corner and got me before I’d made it ten feet in, however. It crushed my foot.

So Brightvein ended up retrieving the captain while Drywinter supported me on our way back to the evac point. What happened on the overwatch I don’t know, but Spoon’s team was able to join us and we were magically transported onto the ship’s deck in the blink of an eye.

Into the middle of a battle.

Somehow our enemy had made its way onto our airship; we were ushered down into the safety of the hold to start medical treatment, while above and around us we heard the shouts and explosions that would eventually win us the fight, and the mission.

I was pleased to see the captain capable of natural mending, which she extended to me as well, and Spoon did the rest with the aid of the Light. Spoon is not only a mender, also a medic, so now that we’re back home I will have my medical knowledge assessed by him in a series of tests. I’m looking forward to learning from him and working together as his “minion” as he playfully put it.

We have not been on any other deployments since.

I’ve spoken to a few people around town about various services and trainings.

For one, a couple of blood knights like to lurk from the sidelines during our training sessions, remarking on our technique and skill, in typical blood knight fashion. So I approached one later at night and requested to be taught by them if they think they can do it better. He backed down and admitted that Farstrider doctrines are not actually his speciality, and referred me to a lieutenant called Fairstrider, with whom I briefly spoke.

Furthermore, I’ve seen a magister about the banshee’s taint that NarmĂ« and I suspected might linger on me. We were right. He applied an indicator salve on the place of the kiss, which turned into a shadowy mark overnight; it’s on my cheek, but thankfully it greatly resembles a normal bruise.

The banshee’s kiss doesn’t seem to have actually harmed me.

Still, we believe it may have left me vulnerable to the likes of her.

When I next speak to the elven lord’s spirit, I will ask him about it. The spirit seems more eager to answer questions about me than about himself anyway, and so far he has appeared to be honest and well-intended in his guidance of me, so I’m inclined to trust his judgement on these matters of the spirit.

I went to look for him over the weekend too, before I left to spectate Brightsong at the monk tournament. Since I was in the woods anyway to pluck young nettles, I called out to him.

The spirit didn’t answer.

But at least last week he finally showed himself to me.

I’ve no name for him, but he is a tall and regal elf, clad in armour of white and silver and midnight blue, with a narrow face. I consider him a guide, a helper of sorts. And I am finally heeding his gentle warning to stay away from the tear.

At the tear between the realms, I met three more interesting people: one a mysterious lady who I don’t trust and who gave me her amulet; the second, a vengeful and twisted spectre of some kind who claims I betrayed him to make a deal; and thirdly, a powerful force that I am said to have struck the deal with.

Each of them makes me feel like a pawn in some dark, dangerous game that stretches beyond life.

I’m not going back there any time soon, at least not alone – but I plan to explore the abandoned village in which the elven lord awoke me before.




And we’re off!

Destination: Tanaris. :desert:

It’s gonna be miserable IC but awesome OOC! Our job is to find and eliminate an alleged thief somewhere in the desert and return the stolen valuables to their rightful owners at the Reliquary.

Hours of slogging under the scorching hot sun await us before we can even talk to the victims, though.

It’s gonna be miserable. :bow_and_arrow: :bird: :confounded: :cactus:

Returning from what probably was not a shopping trip, considering the time of day, Firelle enters the lodge and heads right for the stairs. Two little lights blink open and watch him as he comes in; the black cat lying on the table has clearly heard him coming.

Firelle speaks softly to the cat “pispispispis” only to be stared at. Both pairs of eyes glow a golden shine in the dark; the elf is the first to break the staring contest.

A little self-conscious, he sneaks up the stairs and silently slides his bergen onto the nearest available bunk to the door.

Ravens sleep or rest all around him. Some snore, others are quiet.

Taking care not to wake them, the woodsman slips out of his boots, intent on sleeping in the rest of his clothes. His hair isn’t braided for once; it’s a clean and slightly damp mane of brown corkscrew curls, very voluminous and wild, not unlike Firemane’s hair.

Before sleeping, however, he spends a good hour preparing.

Sitting cross-legged on his bunk, he draws his bow onto his lap and runs a rag through the stick of wax he’s brought to redo the wood’s coating. Sticky and smooth the wax clings to his calloused, slender hands while he works; he has to pause now and then to wipe off the excess.

He gives the same treatment to a rather old and weathered-looking tan quiver he hasn’t been seen with before, taking his time to check the condition of each of his arrows as well. Then it’s the backpack’s turn: with meticulous, steady motions the Ranger lays out all his belongings onto the bed and slots each item back into a purposefully chosen place. Light, linen shirts in whites and browns are rolled up into tight bundles and stowed into the bottom of the pack, followed by a sparse amount of other clothes and even a pair of open sandals.

The satchel-like medicine bag, normally strapped against the backpack, comes along on the journey as well, albeit inside the main compartment of the bergen.

When the pack is fully stocked and compressed tightly again, he gets to his belt. There’s a fair few extra pieces of equipment, tools and supplies among his belongings in addition to the standard issue stuff - not much, and it all looks like it has seen prior use, but the majority of the pack’s weight is a result of the many full and empty waterskins he packs in.

Finally, again careful not to wake anyone nearby Firelle lays out a set of pale brown clothes next to the head of the bed, with the belt and bow draped on top, the backpack nearby as well.

Unlike the eve of the previous deployment he falls asleep fast, but just as before, he’s noisy and restless in his sleep. Quiet sounds and sighs, and a lot of turning around during the night.


The black cat watches the young ranger as he makes his way up the stairs, his claws kneading against the pile of paperwork he lounges on. Once the lodge has remained silent for a little while, he drops lightly from the table and follows, padding as gracefully as liquid velvet past the sleeping Ravens.
Soon he comes to Firelles bed and, with a soft purr, leaps up and curls himself into a small ball atop the would be Farstriders chest as he slumbers. With a wide yawn, the feline settles down for the rest of the night, the marigold pools of his eyes closing as he drifts off, paws tucked neatly under his soft little chest.


Daisy’s pack sits ready and waiting in the Lodge, straps and buckles neatly arranged and fasted and her small bow and quiver resting against the wall beside it, awaiting deployment.
The little Monk can be found curled up behind Illi just outside in the dappled glow of the morning sunshine, delicate fingers playing with the Rangers hazel locks. Deftly, she braids a small primrose into her friends long tresses, their laughter and chatting lacing the square.


Illis gear sitting ready right next to Daisy’s, ready in the same neat manner, she would be sitting infront of Daisy with her back towards her, enjoying the morning sun, wearing a Brown loose shirt and her leather leggings and boots, her Hazel hair loose for a change as Daisy runs her soft hands through it, illiniel seems more relaxed than usual and her eyes more dark Green


I was right.
Two more days to go. [Cackles in DM]

Also what’s a stinky undead warlock doing in our thread? Rectify this, Illiniel!


Heat, swamps, jungle, and dinosaurs. Oh, and I think there’s a volcano somewhere in there


Have I already mentioned how cool these people are? Because, well, it is true. It’s -the- guild to join for quality Farstrider RP.


How close are you all at picking up Sylvanas’ trail?

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Bringing her in tomorrow, prepare the victory parade!

We wish.

For things like that, we can’t get ahead of the lore developments any sooner than Blizzard rolls them out, Leia, because we’d look like a right bunch of fools if we made up some updates only for those to be made impossible by Word of God the next week.

:christmas_tree: :bird: In other news, we’re on Christmas break like many other guilds, although we’ve been attending Winter Veil parties left and right, and on the other days we gather for social RP at the Farstrider Square like always!

If you’re lonely and want someone to roleplay with in the final days of the decade, come and hit us up, everyone. :smiley:

Merry Christmas, Argent Dawn.


Don’t worry lovey.

I understand. She was a Farstrider anyway and Ranger General. She knows the tricks of the trade.
Elune be with you on your search, dears.


If only you were at a more accessible location! :frowning:

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We are bouncing around a few ideas regarding RP with the Exiles come 8.3, so keep an eye out!


Love your concept for the guild. If Mal’therion was a sin’dorei no doubt he would have joined up!

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Admit it, you just want to steal our knowledge about the Void and then ditch us.

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Hey, Stardreamer, can I come with you? Just want to, y’know, meet them exiles.
