[Belf-RP] Thalassian Skyguard đŸČ

Dearest Firecloud,

You are neither as bad nor as good a fellow as you imagine yourself to be. No doubt you know a good deal about the affects of war, but (If you are in the early years of your ranking officer life) not nearly as much as you will in another decade. In any case I hope that, when you have spent some time in your position, you will thank me for having told you many things that otherwise you could have learned only by experience, more or less bitter according to the discretion exercised both by you and by your order. People, elf or otherwise, are kittle-cattle; and, as for soldiers – well, I have a few myself!

You have come a long way from when we found you, alone in the corner of a cabin, chained to the wall with filth stained rags for clothes. Even as you charged Dawnstriker in a fit of warriors rage, it was sadness that we saw etched on a face so young that really shook us to the core. You were so broken back then and I suspect you feel that you still are now.

Seeing your name upon the list of newly ranking Farstrider Captains came as a surprise to not just me, but Ebonfury and the others of the order as well. We never suspected that you would end up in that position and I find myself angered on your behalf that you would continue to be used as a pawn by the spire like this. But I didn’t train quitters.

Ebonfury although waylaid in his duties has promised to come and visit you in the near future and although I would like to journey the same, duties do not cease as you now know for a leader of an order. Remember, Firecloud, keep paddling and you will remain afloat. Don’t let the past drag you down.

Signed the White witch.

De’vontae placed down the letter upon the marble top of the table at his balcony within the Gilded Coin, his hand rising to rub the tiredness from his eyes. He had not been expecting word to come from her of all people and although it didn’t settle the unnerving quality she had about her, it still strangely felt nice to know she cared. Pushing himself off from the chair he had been sat upon, Captain Autumnvale returned to the oval room that was his sanctuary away from home and the circular bed that sat in the centre.

Flopping down atop of the silken sheets, his eyes flicked up to the canopy of gem incrusted material that draped around the bed for an effort of both privacy as well as escapism. There was little light in his room as it was well past the hours of the evening and into the dark twilight of night, but still he could just make out the faintest of twinkles from the gems. He had promised himself he would attempt to find the throws of sleep again, his usual groove of four hours sleep misshapen and thrown off course by the thousands of requests for his attention that came in a day.

He would have had a better time of it at his actual home, but he only went there recently if he was seeing to the hatchlings, signing off transfers of equipment to go to the rookery in the blackened woods, or to see Drake. The other two, he avoided. One without meaning to, her current state and the distance between them like an ocean that he wasn’t sure how to cross. And then him. Ever since that question and the follow up of the first ceremony, he didn’t know how to be around him. He felt disrespected and unknown in the reflection of his eyes and it was such a cavern in his heart he didn’t want to face it.

So instead, he came back to the Gilded Coin every night he could, passing by K’vothe who treated him unchanged since his promotion and shut himself away in his room at the top of the twisting tower. As his mind drifted over these musings, so large when he was awake, they seemed to fade into inconsequential nothings as his eyes grew heavy and sleep began to take him.

Green mist rolled into the black canopy that had darkened his vision, his body outside of his dream turning to the side. When the mists had spread they began to thin out and reveal the sight of what seemed like the landscape for the blackened woods, but all of it was over grown. Verdant trees with trunks as thick as ponds and grass as high as his waist with a strange waxen yellow light that made everything seem mist swept.

It had a familiarity to it, as though he had walked these plains before and it came with it a sense of foreboding. His attention turned as an ethereal figure emerged from the trees that surrounded him, a large bird with wild feathers that sprouted from its crown in an almost regal manner sat upon the grass and watched him. Although it did not look like her, he knew somehow it was Constance, but why she was here in this strange place he couldn’t remember. The bird watched for a long while before stretching out her wings and taking off past his head and away. His focus followed Constance and the direction she had gone, only to recoil at the vision of the land she had disappeared into.

Black lilies grew up from the grass that was brown and dry with ash layered across the ground. Between the curled up blades of grass, pale bloated faces of upturned elves stared up with unseeing eyes towards a colourless sky where the pigment had been sucked away into a void that was ripped open high in the air. The faces around him seemed to be of people he knew, though they were changed in this strange place, wilder and over grown with ash and dust. He wanted to turn back, back to the sweet diluted world he had seen before, but he was rooted in place, stuck without being able to move like he was standing in tar.

Panic began to settle into his being as the rift grew larger, pulling and eating at all that was good in the world. Dragonhawks, large and beautiful with wing spans bigger than he’d ever seen were falling back, unable to fight the magnetic pull of the rift. Soon they began to fall into it and disappeared into what he could not see. Cries, distant and keening filled his ears like tinnitus, quiet at first but increasing in magnitude. A figure began to walk towards him from the distance of burnt and destroyed woods, leaving behind crumpled white walls and flags of Farstriders ripped and torn. Fragments of things that didn’t make sense, that weren’t there before but were there now.

The figure was covered in black like ink, tendrils sleek along the floor like mist with burning eyes
 burning like the fel crystals, watching like screaming angry souls. It closed the gap quickly, suddenly in front of him, ethereal hands grasping his face and forcing him to look at it. A maw began to open up and inside pointed white fangs covered with blood soaked saliva spun around its mouth. Inside as though he was being consumed he saw the pale face of the dead Sun Hawk Telestra staring up at him, twisted and screaming as black water began to drown him.

Suddenly all was dark and he could feel his entire being screaming, his body back in his bedroom covered in sweat, vocally cried out. Within his closed vision, he saw a white spec that began to grow and take shape into Constance, flying away from him with a warning cry hooting into the expanse of nothing.

When he woke, he did so with a vault, breathing heavily, tears stuck down his cheeks and sweat soaking him and his bed. The dream catcher he had strung up over the doorway to the balcony had fallen to the floor, some of the netting ripped and beads scattered across the floor. The Captain paled and held his knees to his chest
 Something was coming.


Looks like a neat guild! :smiley: Best of luck!


Erivana and NarmĂ« presents the Skyguard’s Memorial.


And while we are into art, some of the dragonhawks of the Skyguard have been illustrated!

Skylark - Captain De’vontae Autumnvale

Cloudkisser - Lieutenant Yasmyr Starglow

Viridiel - Sergeant Erivana Everstride

An’telas - Sergeant I’len Lavellan

Al’ash Serrar - Verthanis Firewing

Silah - Vianea Sundust

Flamedancer - Talis Kal’syl

Esperance - Erithur Brightsong

Austral - Ranthos Firescar

Ghost -

Cloudsinger- indeed the brother of Cloudkisser!

Glimmerdust - the mysterious!

Peacebloom- the really sick

Vestige- Narmë Reddawn, ally of the Skyguard


Wall of pictures incoming.


I have a feeling that they all morph as well into a more powerful dragonhawk.

But very nice art!!!


Thank you to everyone who attended our inaugral Farstriders’ Hallows End Ball tonight at the Skyguard base-of-operations in the Ghostlands, and congratulations to our well-deserved contest winners <3


De name of ma ship, FOREVA!


Hisses in 10 characters.


My pet
 You betrayed me!


Tonight the Skyguard held a slightly more somber, and much more private, ceremony marking the Day of the Dead. Stories were shared of those loved and lost - ranging from those who fell to the Amani, through the Fall, to the recent painfully death of Aide Morrowind - so that their memories might live on.

(My personal thanks to everyone who contributed a story, and to the guild as a whole for buying into my ridiculous angsty headcanon that DotD should be a big deal for a culture this heavily steeped in loss <3)


The night was still young in Mistbrook.

Erithur lay awake on his bedroll, staring up at the ceiling of the ruin he found himself in. In the lantern and candle light he could see the vines creeping through the old stone; providing pattern and image to an otherwise blank canvas.

A soft sigh escaped him as he recalled the events of the evening earlier; a sharing of sorrows and remembrance for the dead and the lost. The loss of his old companion weighed heavily on his heart, but the memories of the past had also been allowed to roam free. So much raw emotion had been built up over that time and this particular day of all days was when he could let it out.

Though he hadn’t done so alone. No, all of his comrades had shared their own stories. All of them had felt equal; equally pained, equally mournful and even equally angry that fate had cast a cruel hand on the people they had loved. It was a comfort that he held close, for being alone was an all too familiar feeling to him.

The young boy was about to close his eyes, but a sudden chill in the air – one that caused the candle flames to flicker quite violently – made him stop.

Turning his head towards the exit of the ruin, as if his gaze was simply drawn to it, he saw someone standing in the doorway. Blinking, he was about to assume that it was simply one of the other Skyguard

Though this person was not wearing armour like them. No, they wore a robe. In the dim light he could just make out the colour of purple. The cloth draped over their slender frame, their figure feminine and back turned away. How could they have gotten close without being heard? No footfalls, no breathing. Nothing.

Erithur’s blood ran cold; a sudden feeling of wariness and dread hitting him. His mouth opened to speak, but no words came. His wide-eyed stare remained on the unmoving woman – whose crimson hair was barely visible in the flicker of flame – and his breath caught.

After what felt like an eternity of staring and silence, the woman’s head slowly turned to the left. At this angle, her gaze would surely hit him eventually. Still he was frozen in fear; mouth agape in shock. The realisation hit him all at once as a pair of dimly glowing shards of azure focused on him. A soft, kind gaze that even in the dark, one could feel there was a smile involved.

In but an instant, the mood shifted. The kind gaze was replaced with a wide-eyed, cold stare of death. Erithur’s heart pounded in his chest as he watched on with frozen, submissive helplessness. The woman began to turn, the dim light catching features of blood, of bone and of a torn face; a mouth agape in a never ending scream.

With a sudden gust of frozen air, all of the candles and lanterns were blown out, thrusting the ruin into darkness. Panicking, Erithur lit his own personal lantern near his bedroll – using a few matches to do so and breaking them in his haste. As the light flooded the area and he desperately turned about, there was no woman to be seen. The coldness remained, however.

Trembling and breathing out mist, the young man quickly scrambles underneath his blankets and hides for the rest of the night; whimpering. The stress and upset from the experience eventually exhausts him enough to sleep
 But he gets little rest.


What had been a near joyous start to the morning had taken a heavy turn come the evening.

She becomes the bearer of ill news, having come across a tear-stricken Whitemoon of the Blood Ravens and Kal’syl, who state the loss of Aide. Where her attempts at easing the Farstrider’s sorrow are fruitful, she knows it won’t last for long, not with a wound so fresh. When the conversation gradually shifts to another topic, Vianea takes her leave to don her chosen set of red and gold for the night.

As the Skyguard gather, the fountain and the Chaplain’s opening words are their focus. The carved names are listed off the Wall, starting with Iolanthe. Once the names are addressed and the accompanying speakers return to the formed line, Vianea takes her place by the statue and faces her fellow riders, announcing Aide’s passing. She watches the Skyguards’ hearts sink, watches the glint of their eyes hinting at tears and disbelief mould their faces like softened clay. Twinges gather within the depth of her chest, knowing that none wanted to believe, especially a soul as enthusiastic as Aide. The recollection of sheer wonder and awe she displayed at the bonding ceremony evokes a frown that lingers for the rest of the night.

Vianea talks briefly on the loss of her parents, taken from her too long ago and excludes too many details. Vague as it was, the tightening muscles in her throat deemed a continuation near impossible. Though other individuals had surfaced within her mind, some unworthy of being spoken of, none would hear their names nor their influence on the saboteur uttered to the Skyguard.

Once they disperse and likely drown themselves in a bottle or three, Vianea steps away. Dull eyes flick towards the sky, head gradually tilting back as she addresses the scurrying shadow moving across stars. It had come earlier as the Skyguard had collectively expressed their accounts of loss, likewise with the drifting scent of leather and blood. The faint bite of cold and distant muffled cries for help. A hand rests against crackled bark, thumb drawing idle circles upon the rough uneven surface.

They all faced loss and will continue to do so, such is the way of life. Unpredictable with too little room for error.

For a moment, she can hear a familiar rattle of chains and weight adds to her wrists. She hardly gives the feeling a second thought, knowing by now that nothing physical adorned the limbs. The skittering, fleeting feel of warmth returns with a taunting caress, gracing her skin with bygone emotions that force her to react. She moves to clutch at skin, wanting to reach out for the fading display of Light that dissipates before her eyes, but she’s learned better than to commit.

Lowering her head, she stares directly to the ghostly outline of a statue bearing outstretched arms, into the dark of its shattered face. Death is unpleasant in all forms. To lose, to be the reason for loss - it stains the heart and fractures emotions. It cracks from within, a slow but thorough breakage. She knows it well enough, in both aspects, as much as she knows how to teeter on the verge of death.

Whispers carrying the fragments of a conversation direct her gaze to the rookery, prompting the elf to make way. As she approaches, a winged shadow intercepts with a hushed caw, crawling with the aid of talons. Without so much as a hint of hesitation, she walks directly into the creature and reaches out for his beak. Silah progressively curls his tail in a loose circle around her feet, plumage ruffling as his wings spread protectively.

‘As I will guide you to victory, so too will you guide your allies, dust of the sun.’


The inn in Falconwing Square had begun to quieten down for the night, serving loners and couples; offering them some comfort before they retired to their homes.

Above in one of the hired rooms was someone who still wasn’t sure where their home even was. The hours since leaving the Farstrider’s Lodge had ticked away and yet the chaotic whirlwind that was his thoughts had yet to quell.

Erithur sat on the end of the bed, arms resting on his knees and his face in his palms. Bottles of cheap swill that only copper coins could buy had grouped on the end table nearby; barely enough to get tipsy never mind drunk. It was an attempt to become numb; thoughtless if only for an hour or two.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips. Even now his chest tightened with the suffocating feeling of failure.

What was happening to him? The words said by his superiors – his friends – stung like daggers in the heart. They had been true and no matter how much he wanted to deny it, or push back in anger, there was no escaping reality.

The lack of sleep, the nightmares
 It was getting worse. The visage of the dead woman at the ruin was no figment of his imagination, no, but there was more to it than her and the spirits of the Amani haunting it. So many had opened up to him, given him the opportunity to speak and to admit, but something held him back. Fear. Doubt. Mistrust. Like a voice in the back of his head telling him no.

They will just think you’re weak. They pretend to care, but they don’t. The moment they see that you’re unfit for purpose, they will abandon you. Like everyone else.

 Isn’t true
” He whispered into the dimly lit room lavished with red silks and plush.

Did you see the way they looked at you? You are not of their ilk. How can you trust the person who killed your friend?

“Shut up

You take orders from a child
 And yet that child has more of a spine than you do.


Erithur stood, crying out into the oppressive darkness that slithered in the corners of his solace. He snatched one of the empty bottles and threw it at the opposite wall, which smashed and littered the floor with shards of glistening glass which fell like stars as they reflected the lantern’s light.

For a moment, there was silence; nothing but the young man’s heavy breaths of untamed rage being heard. Slowly calming, he realised the mess he’d made and instinctively moved to clear it up, until a movement in his peripheral made him come to a stop.

His gaze led to the standing mirror, his head following. His reflection stared back, but it wasn’t right.

Something drew him closer, like he was a puppet being pulled by strings. Each slow pad of his bare feet brought him towards the gateway, where his partner approached. Hands raised and met, separated by a thin pane of glass.

The darkness in the reflection’s side of the room crept closer and closer still, like a fog. Erithur could barely see the lantern’s light any longer, for what happened one side was mimicked in the other. He couldn’t hear the tavern’s noise downstairs. It was if he had gone someplace else.

His reflection was overtaken by the fog momentarily, before revealing it again. Only it was changed. A shade of a figure, eyes flaring like beacons of phoenix’s flame, stood in its place. Gasping, Erithur retracted his hand and took a fearful step away.

Wispy, clawed hands reached through the glass and clutched the mirror’s frame, aiding the figure to stride out from its prison. All of the elf’s instincts told him to flee, but his body ignored the command. Through paralysing fear or because something held him there, he remained still as the shadowy form of himself approached.

 Are you?” Erithur asked, fighting for his voice as the fear tried to claim it.

“Your better self.” The shade replied, sounding just like him, albeit with a hissing undertone.

Before a second question could be asked, the dark figure shifted and began to move around him; eyes locked to his face. It was a penetrating, oppressive stare. Erithur’s chest tightened with this stifling, malevolent presence so close.

“I am what you could be, if only you just

It stopped in front of him again, reaching and snatching his jaw tightly. Clawed fingers lightly pressed into his flesh and with the touch came a wave of dread, shame and misery. The creature’s face leered close to his own, staring into his eyes. Lightly trembling in place, he still couldn’t find the strength to move his legs.

“Let go.”

Closing his eyes, Erithur tried to block out that horrid stare and the situation he was in. Denial was his strongest weapon right now.

“This – this isn’t happening! This is another nightmare! Leave me alone!”

A low grunt of what could have been a hollow laugh or a noise of amusement followed, the grip releasing. His eyes opened and instead of the creature being in front of him, he felt its presence behind. Hands reached and held his jaw, turning his head to the mirror.

To his horror, both he and the shade resided in the glass’ reflection. A dark grin split the darkness’ lips.

“See? I’m real.”

The claws released him and the figure moved to his side, looking at him critically.

“I am a part of you. All of what you lock away, all of what you ignore. I am your potential. All you need to do is let me free
 And I can make it all better.”

Erithur could feel the darkness edging closer to him, like snakes slithering around his feet and ankles; a cold despair that pulled him deeper. The shade delicately traced a finger along the boy’s jaw line, as if comforting him. He felt anything but.

“No more fear. No more doubt. No more uncertainty. It will all go away. All of these
 People who only want to use you, I can protect you from. To them you are just another soldier; another body for the ‘High Kingdom’ to throw away so it prospers. Think about it – what did the High Kingdom ever do for you ?”

Blinking, the question caught him off guard and he was without words. However, the figure cared little; he had heard it all the same.

“Your father fought for it. Now he is gone. Aide fought for it. Now she is gone. One by one they will all be gone
 Fed into the machine of war.”

Leaning close, the whispered words of malice entered his ear, making him shiver.

“It won’t matter.”

 He –“

“The Magister? The one who claims to ‘love’ you? All he wants is your body, not your heart. To use and to toss aside.”

The coils began to wrap around his legs, helplessness flooding his mind. He tried to resist – he tried so very hard – yet his will waned. He focused on his friends – his comrades – yet no matter what imagery he conjured, it was all consumed by the encompassing void.

“Everyone will let you go. Aaillish already has. Your old friends are gone. These will be no different. They hide secrets from you. They do not trust you. They just expect you to nod your head and be a good little boy.”

Clawed fingers lightly raked the flesh of his cheeks as both hands held them, the beacons of fire staring into his tainted gaze almost pleadingly.

“I am the only one you need.”

Like grasping hands, the dark clung to his body. He felt the grip upon his arms, his chest and his neck. He felt like he was sinking, drowning. His heart hammered in his ears, or at least he thought it was. There was a heavy beat, repeating and showing no signs of slowing. Whispers in harsh tongue hissed in his head; a diabolical tongue, ancient and oozing with vileness.

A sudden sound stopped the fall. It was dull but it was definitely there.

It repeated. The darkness withered along with it.

A final time made it much clearer. It was a knock at the door.

With a blink of his eyes the room was back to normal. It was if he had been in some sort of trance or sleepwalk; standing near the shattered remains of the bottle which glimmered gently.

It took him a few moments to regain his composure; weak, ragged pants clutching for breath. Sweat had drenched his hair and face even though he felt like he had been touched by ice. Trembling, he staggered to the door and struggled with the handle. Locked.

As if his brain needed to reset itself so to function again, he stared at the handle blankly until finally reaching up and turning the key.

The door opened, but no one was present. Instead a bundle awaited him on the floor. He grabbed it and quickly shut the door again, making sure it was locked before moving to the bed and the lantern’s light.

It was his tabard, along with his communicator and a folded piece of parchment. Wordlessly he picked up the parchment and read the handwritten words upon it.

Sometimes even the best of us tumble in the skies. Don’t let it drag you down, because your flight family still need you.

Despite his state, the note made him smile. He knew who had brought the note and the items to his door and – perhaps unbeknownst to them – they had saved him from whatever sunless horror he had undergone.

Warily, Erithur eyed around the room. Naught was amiss, except the broken glass.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he shuffled the bundle aside and collapsed onto the bed. The ordeal had exhausted him utterly and with his struggle to rest properly as of late, he was on the verge of passing out. His mind lingered on what had transpired, but he quickly shook it off as another one of his nightmares – albeit a very lucid one.

He needed to pull himself together. If he was going to be any use to the Skyguard, he needed rest. Whatever doubts or worries he had would simply have to be pushed aside; his friends cared about him and even if he disagreed at the time, on reflection he realised that they only cared. He’d make it up to them, somehow.

With a sigh, he drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The room was silent and the darkness was held at bay by the lantern’s warm, gentle glow.

Two eyes like beacons of phoenix fire glared at the boy as he slept, clawed fingertips etching down the window of reflection.


The Thalassian Skyguard are away from the 14th November to the 20th at an RP campaign in Uldum! Much fun will be had with insanity t’boot. Who couldn’t love it? If you need us or want to find us, try and prod any of our members as Devontae will be away helping to DM the campaign!


As night began to draw in once more, Erithur ate whatever rations were offered and drank what he could to sustain himself for the challenge to come. There had been an ominous feeling since he woke; a dire, deep dread in his chest. Something in the air, perhaps.

As he glanced to the necklace around his neck and remembered what had occurred over the course of the week, there was a sense of finality about it all. Bree and Gabrielle were still out there, along with the monster he and his friends had unknowingly freed. He along with the rest had been invited to witness their ‘end’
 And it could well come to pass one way or another.

Truth was he didn’t expect to return, nor did he expect to see his friends ever again. With a heavy heart, the young man sat next to his slumbering, motionless Captain and wrote on some paper torn from his journal;

“Skyguard; if you are reading this then you - and hopefully others - have returned safely, for which I am forever grateful. I do not know what has happened to you, but I have faith that you are all strong enough to get through it together. There is a possibility that I may not see you again. There has been a grave mistake made and it must be put right, or all victories in Uldum will be for naught. I regret not saying goodbye to any of you properly. No matter our disagreements or arguments, I care about all of you with all my heart. You’re like my family

The echoing boom stopped him in his tracks, making him yell and cower into his papers. The voices pounded in his head and this sudden draining sensation only made his desperate words ever more prominent. He was going to die, he was sure of this. The nothing that he was told waited for him beckoned with an open maw.

Trying to hold his emotions at bay, he pushed on to finish the letter;

“My final hours come swiftly. Just know that I love you all. I hope you can forgive me. I know you said that I shouldn’t keep putting myself in the line of fire, Captain, but I’ll make sure Talis comes back alive. Somehow. Please look after him.

Erithur Brightsong.”

Swallowing dryly and shaking, the paper was folded and tucked neatly in De’vontae’s pocket. Erithur gathered his things, casting one last look upon the slumbering elf – who showed more courage than he ever could despite being younger – before grimacing and heading out into the torn black sky.


In the infimary, Galeholt sleeps - though, on a first glance, one might struggle to discern whether it is sleep or an altogether-more-permanent rest that has claimed him, his skin pale and cold to the touch, his face all sharp angles and deep shadows, the rise and fall of his chest slight and almost soundless. It is an unusually peaceful aspect, so unlike him to be this still and quiet.

He sleeps, and he dreams. The sun is, he thinks, not quite beginning to set - the golden hour, the artists call it, the light soft and warm - and the cherry blossom is in full bloom, the air heady with its perfume, and beneath that, with delicate spices and rich cocoa and plum wafting from the feast to the altar. Erivana is stood infront of him, and cliché though it is, she has never looked more beautiful.

(Why then, the cold hand on his spine? Why is his gut twisting, bile rising in his throat?)

Their hands are bound with silken rope their hands are chained and her skin is her skin is blisters, is weeping open rents and blackened bone, is smouldering charcoal and her lips taste like ashes when she leans in to kiss him, like ashes and gravedirt; she has no lips, they crumble away, she is dust in the shape of a woman and barely even that, now, and even now he can feel the flame leaping to his touch, hungry and eager and spreading from his hands to hers-

He screams and the sky tears, a long rent made by fingers that are nothing but bone and knuckle, and through it comes the head, and the shoulders, and that terrible rune, that blasphemous sigil, ablaze with purple fire-

and in the infimary, Gale sleeps and - so the healers tell Erivana, anyway - begins to heal.

Many thanks to everyone involved in Operation: Alone in the Dark in Uldum this week; the Skyguard had a blast. We’ll be back to our usual haunts from tomorrow, and likely through until the New Year when we’ll no doubt have entirely wholesome and void-free adventures, right? Right?!

As ever, your recruiting officers remain Devontae, Yasmyr, Lavellan and Erivana. Enlist today. There’s enough trauma for everyone


I second this thanks. It was a great time to see what was drummed up for the encroaching shadows. My thanks also goes out to those who took part and helped make it what it was.


The moon rested high in the midnight oil, a blank canvas in which the stars hid behind clouds and birds avoided, illuminating Ramkahen in a purple waxen light, casting vast shadows across the golden architecture. Delicate pink cherry blossoms dance in the chilled wind, petals twisting, turning, falling elegantly into the folds of every gust, until they had scattered endlessly pausing just to kiss the earth and graze the succulent flesh of the unaware soldiers below. But there is no cherry blossom trees in Uldum.

The air feels strong with the crackle of magic giving you a feeling that sets your hairs on end and grates at your stomachs with a feeling of unease.The sweet smell of honeysuckle clings into the tense atmosphere, invading your senses and laying you gently to the ground in a dreamless sleep.

In the depths of your mind you see a view looking down upon a city in the midst of an oasis with a crystal stream running like silk down into an opening lake and out disappearing into the far off distance. The city beside the stream was normally filled with busy people working hard to make a living, gathering tourists from all across Azeroth. But not this night, this night every man, woman and child slept soundly as if a spell had been cast to stop time.

Above the water a grand bridge stood connecting one side of the sand dunes to the other, though it seemed to be weaved in full bloom of a purple headed flowers. Each flower seemed to glow healthily as if magic had been used to make them as beautiful as ever, it is almost a peaceful sight.

Your body turns in the air, twisting your view of the city to bare witness to the twisted visage of the purple moon as it shines remnants of powdered light upon the scene below. From behind the moon you begin to see blackened claws gripping at the face of the superlative effigy, digging into the purple rock and grazing marks across her surface. You feel a sudden shudder racking in your rib-cage as the claws pull and long sinewy arms follow, bringing with them hunched oil coloured shoulders.

Thousands of bodies writhe across the surface of the moon, darkening her face and swelling your vision with creatures that only nightmares could summon. Slowly their heads turn up and purple flaming eyes watch you with dribbling maws of maggot sliding tongues. You feel yourself begin to fall backwards, propelled towards Azeroth behind you, tumbling like a leaf in the wind.

Just as you fully begin to fall away, you see the bodies that have invaded the surface of Elune form a picture; the rune of Igannok.

You barely have time to register fear as your vision shudders and breaks into blackness. You can’t move. You feel pain from all of the wounds you collected these last two days, though you aren’t bleeding, there are scabs where before there was open wounds. You are trapped. Everything is dark.

You hear the sound of a shovel carving into soil, a pause of silence and then the sound of mud trickling down on top of wood above you. This noise repeats over and over, getting quieter the more you’ve heard it, the air around you becoming stale and more fragrant with earth and decay. When you try to move, you realise you’ve no room and can barely bring your hands up to your ears. If you push them out you only feel the cold sensation of course wood blanks. To your left and right, the same only these come down in a confining horizontal fashion.

You try to scream, but your lips won’t open, sealed together and the more you try, the more you feel something tugging at your flesh as though you had shoelaces woven across your mouth.

In your panic, you realise the sound of the shovel and soil has stopped and that there is just silence all around you. The oppressive weight of your anxiety and thoughts make it hard for you to breathe through your nose causing your head to feel dizzy. It is then you hear the sound of chewing.

Small and quiet, the noise begins to grow and then you start to feel something fall from the sides of your boundaries and onto your chest and shoulders. Then onto your face and the rest of your body. These peppercorn sized objects begin to wriggle and it doesn’t take long for you to realise they are maggots and worms. You begin to feel them niggling at your skin.

Time ticks by and you begin to hear buzzing, flies darting in the dark around you. You aren’t sure as to where they are, but you can sometimes feel them land on you, their tongues listing out to taste your flesh and sizing up what part of you is best to lay their eggs on.

Your hands reach up and you feel yourself desperately clawing at the wood, digging like a hound, dragging your nails to make scratches that slowly work into gouged lines. Blood, warm and painful peels around your nails. Soil begins to filter down from the ceiling and into your eyes and nose, guttering the air and making it harder to breath.

At last your eyes are pierced as they split open to see the sun sat at its highest point giving off sweltering vehement rays of angry sunlight stabbing down upon the top of your head. Baking, you feel as though your skin is burnt and peeling, cracking like worn leather. The sky is a bright blue that you’ve not seen for days, you almost forgot that colour existed. But still, you can’t move. Looking around you see sand - the pale yellow colour surrounding you like a suffocating blanket. You are buried up to your shoulders in sand.

If you focus enough, you’d see around you the heads of other soldiers of the horde, sprouting out of the sand like flowers, all in the same situation, unable to move. Although you can’t see it, you feel as though something is watching you from behind and fear forces you to not want to look that way.

The following is an extract written and Dm’d by Devontae for the Alone in the Dark Campaign. A thank you to everyone who attended. The Skyguard are now back in Silvermoon and look forward to getting time to not be traumatised for a few days.


Soft waves crashed against the rocky cliffs. The moon high in the faintly clouded sky was a blessing of calm weather, its soft rays illuminating the water with shimmering flecks.

A starry night above and below, the island upon which the Skyguard found themselves was mercifully peaceful; a world away from where had been not so long ago. Wild grasses and flowers carpeted the top of the perch where the elves camped; an untamed land full of mystery beckoning them to explore. They probably would have if they didn’t need sleep.

Erithur sat watching the distant horizon, wrapped in his fur-lined cloak to keep him warm in the cool air. The last embers of the fire were beginning to go out, a light crackling coming from the wood. His mind wandered, unavoidably; taking him to darker times, darker thoughts and worries grand.

“What clouds your mind, my Brightened Song?”

Blinking, the voice brought him out of his trance. He peered up to the great silver-scaled dragonhawk which sat next to him, the lunar glow making some of them twinkle as she moved. Her golden gaze did not meet his; focused on the ocean as much as he was.

The creature dwarfed him considerably, yet he didn’t feel threatened. Standing at a height of 5 or so meters tall when grounded and her head held high gave her an intimidating stance compared to the smaller brethren. Even with her wings folded, one partially shielded the young elf underneath.

Speaking softly, his attention returned to the oil-like waters.

“What happened in Uldum still haunts me. The worry for my friends lingers. Even if some may be healing, I can tell others are not. I’m still not there myself.”

A low rumbling came from the creature’s chest, but it was brief. The slow, deep, rhythmic breathing eased him and it almost felt like their heartbeats were in sync.

“Oh, Brother Mine. What has passed is long to be forgotten. Why let it fog your eyes beyond eyes?”

“I’m afraid of it happening again. We could have all died
 And even if I had survived, I could have lost all of them.”

His dire words received a rumbling chuckle; though not from the creature itself, but within his mind. He looked back up to the dragonhawk questioningly; for what about his sorrow did the serpent find so funny?

“Child, your feet walk one path yet your attention lingers on another. How can you live if worry impedes your will to do so? How can you move forward, when you are always looking back?”

The golden stare shifted along with her head, looking down upon him. There was a kindness there, somehow; a softness of almost paternal-like care. Erithur watched her, listening keenly with a curious look on his face.

“You and I will fly many skies together, Oh Rider Mine, this I know. As sure as your heart beats, as does my own.”

 Can you be so sure of that?” His words shook with doubt.

Lowering her head slowly and unfurling her wing just a little more to cover him, she spoke with as much softness as such a great beast allowed.

“Brighten Song, my choice would be another if I had no faith.”

Smiling warmly, the young elf raised a hand to rest his palm upon her silver beak. Esperance’s eyes closed with affection, a low rumbling coo deep in her throat. He felt warmed by the heat coming from her scales and a soothing comfort that only a guardian like her could provide.

“My faith is strong in you.”

Arms enveloped the warm beak as he hugged the large head of the gentle giant. The pair stayed like this for some time, simply enjoying each other’s company. Erithur had once feared losing his companion, or being lost to her himself. Ever since he had returned the two had become closer and closer still.

Now, there was a bond as strong as a dragonhawk’s faith.