Berny will save Wrath of King Lich

You lot are clowns. stop crying every day for RFD and quit already.

Berny wants to gank lowlevels but promotes a thing that keeps them off the street ā€¦ What have you done with the REAL Berny?!


Welcome back Berny. All Ok in your place?
I think yes now we waited long enough. RDF can come.

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And why would it keep them off the streets again? Not like lowbies are running around the world to do dungeons anyway. Even with RDF the fastest method would still include mixing quests and RDF as you can queue from anywhere. Sides itā€™s same as current max level so whatā€™s the harm?

Is anyone still doing dungeons? I havenā€™t touched a Daily HC after 2 weeks of Ulduar. Honestly I was up in arms about RDF but its removal didnā€™t affect me much. Levelling was way worse because finding a dungeon group is a pain compared to clicking 2 buttons.

looks at group finder briefly

Ah yes, one HC+ a day keeps the unsub button away!!

I rarely see groups for anything other than that in the endgame range. In fact, many people themselves are only applied to the daily :smile: I do watch nameplates, and I was trying to spam HCs before the new mode was added. Letā€™s just say, even then it took a long while to get more than 4 done during my little free time.

That too. Iā€™m posting with my sub running out mid-month and unless the situation changes for the better, I donā€™t intend to come back.

My two main toons are relatively geared up, but my 3rd, dps only alt and the rest of them who are the same or tank/dps, would only struggle to get geared. For the lowbiesā€¦ Iā€™m burnt out on solely questing my way up to max in a sloggish tempo. And I like my alts, when Iā€™m not pushing on main (which is rare).

But as it isā€¦ I havenā€™t the choice to decide between dungeon spamming, questing only, or a mix inbetween. I have it on Retail, where Iā€™ve had a pinch of fun leveling my alt in a dungeon spam. I decided to do that, because why not, and gained so many levels in 4 or 5 hours worth of play.

Yes, I know itā€™s much faster so itā€™s not a proper comparison, but the option to run a few easy dungeons, even for the sake of finishing quests, would be really welcome for a good number of us.

Without RDF these will seldom happen, as itā€™s just tiring to spam LFG for half an hour (and at max, sort peeps based on gear), and finally convince someone to come over for summons as the other three wait for the freebie port as they are busy themselves ticking off a daily/farming or whatever.

But, hereā€™s a vid too to show the difference.

Speaks for itself really. You can skip to the end halfway through, to the last 20ish secondsā€¦

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