Berserk/ Celestial Alignment (Burst) lower CD to 2 min, please!

Hello, dear Blizzard Team and my dear Druid fellas,

As the title says, Berserk cooldown 3 min is way too long, while every other class has 2 min max, not talking about Rogues with Dance and Mage with Combust at 15, 45 sec max and can delete people 3 times while I can use my Berserk again.
We are not talking about convoke here, since Feral doesn’t use any major benefit from Berserk on pressing Convoke.
Paladins got wings at 2min, while Aura of Reckoning is making sure that he can have it at 1 min.
So, I ask, if possible, to lower the burst cooldowns of all classes if possible, to 2 min, the game will be fair for everyone, while the meta is so bursty and games are so fast.
Good job for the Shadowlands expansion,

Kind regards, Doc, Druid of Azeroth!


This is for longer discussion but, I could Agree, that Feral/Guardian Berserk could be 2 minute CD but, You just cant lower cd of Celestial/Bala Druid Incarnate - you just cant … Balance Druid is very strong in single target burst with CA+ BoAT (+80% of Druids are NF … so its Direct Convoke boost in this case).

If you lower CD of CA, then Bala druid needs some rework in form of lower dmg from SS, otherwise it ll break the game (well, it already is but … ).

I agree, Shorter CD for Feral/ Guardian since they are also energy/ rage dependent.

Either shorter CD for Bersekr or faster energy regen like rogue or CP spenders should lower CD on berskerk by cp spent … exactly like sub rogue work

im too angry on this… mages combust every 45 sec. rogues dance every 15 sec. pala wings once per 1 minute warriors avatar same case and then here is feral… spec that si barely played with the longest burst spell CD in whole game… GJ blizz… and not to mention that damage output from berserk is like 15% of output from wings or dance … stupidly unfair

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They say, you have Tiger’s Fury, but energy regen is so bad even with 19% haste, so the dmg output means nothing and you loose tone of dmg by not having mastery…

Ye thats why i would pick same energy regen as rogue over the lowered CD of berserk … but guess what… they wont give feral any of this… this spec will not recieve any buffs till next xpac… only nerfs

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