Berserking illusion

Edit : Already figured it out

So firstly, I’m a total newbie and noob when it comes to enchants/illusions.

The thing I’m trying to accomplish is to get the red “Berserking” weapon illusion in my transmog options so I can use it on any weapon.

I thought that to achieve that, I had to get lvl 65 in Northrend enchanting, then buy the berserking enchant, use it on some weapon and the illusion would apepar in the transmog window…It didn’t.

So if anyone could explain to me how to get that weapon illustion I’d be really happy :slight_smile:

Some are sold in AH ,not sure if that particular one is tho.It might be worth looking.

Ok so I figured it out. all I had to do was to create “Tome of Illusions: Northrend”. That added several illusion options to the transmog window.

The Tome was avalible to buy from vendor since lvl 50 Northrend enchanting, meaning I wasted plenty of gold leveling from 50 to 65 :slight_smile:


Yes,and you can get more


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