Best class for loremaster?

Hello all! I ve decided to try do loremaster in wow and thinking about the class that would make it more easy and possible more fun too.

So far I ve come to 3 choices which I will write down below but I would like to hear other opinion too cause I am dont know all classes 100%


  1. Instant range cast with no CD (Ice Lance)
  2. Teleports
  3. Arcane explosion for mass aoe low level content (although this drains mana very quickly)
  4. No passive movement speed like hunter or druid


  1. Instant Flight Form
  2. Instant range cast with no CD (Moonfire)
  3. movement speed + Stealth
  4. Cant find any other than I dont like the races that can be druids but thats not a con for the class


  1. Instant range cast with no CD (Arcane Shot,Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot)
  2. Passive speed through Pathfinder + cunning pet
  3. Camouflage just in case ever need
  4. Again cant find a con

I guess druid is the best but I am trying to find reasons to chose another class hehe.

I would appreciate your opinion on this. Thanks

Any class is fine for this. I did my loremaster on a ret pally. Good luck!


I do everything on my ret pala as well :slight_smile:


I did it with Mage, and it was relatively quick. You have a lot of tools to use to speed it up, from instant casts to teleports.

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Nightelf Mohawk!


Mage is the way to go, you have portals, invisibility, immunities, mobility, fall damage cancel and instant cast ranged AoEs.


Did it on this warrior, if you really want to min/max your grind, I guess mage would be the best choice. Invisibility to exit combat if bug occur and multiple portals.

You’ll also need a specific foam sword toy (from a capital npc) for some quest from time to time to lower npc health without killing them.

I would advise to keep LK as last, it was the most annoying to farm on my side.

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Loremaster is not quick. Its a huge investment.
Go with whatever class you wont get sick of.

(Also look in to monks. You can talent in to a 24% passive speed boost. You have fantastic mobility overall to zip around areas. Great spamable aoe. Can talent in to ranged spamable aoe. Can walk on water. Has zen flight to get up cliffs quickly. Can use zen pilgrimage as a hearthstone on a 1 minute cd. You wont be left wanting on this class)


The difference in speed between the absolute fastest and the absolute slowest class is less than 0.1% for Loremaster, since 99.9% of your time will be Dragonriding from one coordinate to some other.

And 0.1% is definitely a massive overstatement.

Bewmaster Panda with engi wormholes + TP Toys.

I’ve done it on my warrior, twice. I’d say just pick a class you enjoy playing. :slightly_smiling_face:


The loremaster this expansion is pretty easy to get, fun too :slight_smile: I got most of it by just doing quests as I explored.

Weirdly it seems the achievement is not warbound as I have it on my paladin, but not on my hunter.

Until they will not fix Sabotage! - Quest - World of Warcraft ( there is no chance to get loremaster unfortunatly. They working on it by their words…for at least 2 weeks already and it still not working

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I did loremaster by levelling alts in each zone, so I basically used all the classes :slight_smile:

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And there’s the Whole Body Shrinka toy for reducing damage even more if needed.

I did it on this dk. But mage is quite useful as you can just put your heartstone to the area if you want to take a break since you can portal to any city.

Or why not use one class per continent since its warbound too.

I would actually say warrior over mage, although I might be a little biased.
I feel warrior has greater mobility with double charge, heroic leap and passive movement speed (if you are within level).
As fury whirlwind is free and can be spammed, whereas arcane explosion is very draining.
You often need to loot enemies for quest items, so killing everything at range doesn’t feel as helpful.

But anything works, so you should just pick what you prefer to play.

Id suggest a class that uses your favorite armor type as you’re gonna get a lot of neat transmogs from quest rewards.

Personally I went with rogue for leather armor & they can use most of the weapons in the game too, so you’ll get a bunch of those aswell.

I have loremaster of all expansions.

Ill give you a few tips if you want to go down this long, long long road. I by no means came up with any of these but found the advice i was given and found to be of good value.

You are luckyy doing this now as it is a lot easier to get that achieve now. Back when i started playign the game we had to wait for RNG dropped quest starters before you could move on from that zone. No more.

Best class to do this in? Yeah sure, you can do this with any class you want. If you are doing this on a fresh 80 than all previous content will be trivial at best, boring and tedious at worst.

If you want to bore yourself to death playing wow than this is one achieve to do while totally over powered and over geared. You will be so bored as the quests wil never end. I forgot the actual count of quests but i know it is well over 8000 now.

If you want to have some fun doing this and dont care how long it takes then stop xp on one level before you move onto next expansions.

Best class to do this in, in my opinion, is a feral nelf druid or a rogue. Reason why is stealth and the ability to bypass the multitude of mobs you will meet on the way to completing those quests. Being able to skip stuff and not fight when doing over 8000 quests will help speed things up.

If you go the road of doing this on a max character then you will need some things.

A foam sword. Its a toy. Some quest mobs need to be tagged and not killed and at 80 you will one shot anything and everything the second you hit them. Cant do that. It will void the quest and you will have to start over. So tag the mob with the foam sword first. Which in itself at 80 will put a nice dent in them.

Owning three hearthstones helps. Being a druid with the valshara teleport helps when all your HS are on CD as the teleport only has a 2 min CD. Being a druid helps with instant flight form as well.

Wowhead will be your firend. You wont believe the amount of times you willcome here to see how to do a quest.

Good luck. When completed you get thsi cool tabard that has a big yellow ! on the front. You can see it in my avatar.

One thing i will say is that you have no idea what you are getting yourself into, yet.

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Why don’t you just finish the bits and bobs you haven’t already done, assuming you have levelled areas in the past. There isn’t any real need to start over. Its all account wide now .

The title Loremaster in my achievement list together with the colors (tabard) as reward is only for Shadowlands for some reason. Check your list of un-achieved and see what it says you have to do to get the Tabard. I did try to complete them all on another character but what I struggled with was bugs in quests and having to sit it out while stuff was sorted. I remember the Ogre in Searing Gorge was a specific problem and the game master had to give the reward to me even though I didn’t complete the quest. It just didn’t work anymore.

You may struggle with finding your way through the game now. Personally wouldn’t want to do all that again.

Mage is best by the way cus of portals, cus you get them given to you for most expansion capitals even before completeing them. So useful.