Best class for raids in shadowlands?

I wanna make a new class for shadowlands, and im looking for a class that is always wanted in a raid or a dungeon, already have a shaman and a warrior.

Rogue is what first comes to mind.

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If you have the time good sir or lady… I would suggest making one of each class and once shadowlands starts you can look what people are asking for and play that one. Since we do not really know how the meta is going to be.

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We never know what the meta is going to be, but somehow Rogue is always in it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Really? Always? I am asking since I never really have given a damn about the meta in any sort of game. But most people seem to like it so thats why I suggested it to Vuldoxin

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There have been some specific raids, like Crucible. and certainly bosses within raids, that have favoured casters, especially DoT-based spread-damage cases where Locks and SPriests are unmatched, but then Blizzard do try to give every playstyle a chance to shine somewhere in raids. But a solid rogue will rarely have to sit a boss out.

And ofc dungeons are now almost as important as raids, and It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a party in possession of a good keystone, must be in want of a rogue.

Rogue is simply the safest class choice.

It could be different this time, ofc, but the Talking Heads on YouTube - Sloot, Preach, JdotB, that crew, don’t seem to think it will be.

I would be more restrained when talking to a truly new player choosing one single first class to invest everything into, but Vuldoxin clearly knows enough to make an informed due diligence. By all means, test every class, read all the Discords, watch all the vids and streams, but the true test is actually levelling one and finding out whether you want to commit to it, and with the new levelling speed, that isn’t an undue burden.

Druid. Out of 4 specs one has to stick.

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