Best dps partner for hunter in 2v2

Hi everybody. I have a friend coming back to the game and he’s probably gonna main an hunter. I’m tryin to understand what would be the best 2v2 team to make with him. I’m thinking about double dps in order to make funnier and faster games, I have DK Pally Sham Mage and Warlock to choose from, and I was thinking of leveling a rogue. Can some skilled hunter tell me which of these classes would make a good partner for the hunter?

DPS: Ret, Feral
Heal: Hpriest, Rdruid

You could technically play rogue + hunter but I gotta assume you are not on the skill level of r1 players which means it will lead to way less success than with the mentioned specs.

The best partner for hunter his pet.


So you mean that also rogue fits good with hunter but it needs a higher skill level compared to ret and feral to make it effectively work, right?

What about unholy DK? I read it’s gonna be much better with 9.1, and the idea of a double pet masters team sounds really cool to me

Way, way, way higher.
Let’s say you are average players. With ret + hunter you get 1,6k. With rogue + hunter you would be around 1,2k.

The comp should be built considering the utilities and how you both benefit from it. BM and Unholy DK do not complement each other, most important you have no offheals. That means everyone who survives your first go, will always win vs you by default.

Out of the classes you mentioned, hunter ret is decent.
Otherwise bm+holy is the best 2s comp at the moment. Feral and resto druid are also very good

Pushed to 2,1k today and I gotta say I barely saw any hunters. Seems like people understood that bursting the pet down equals free win.

my pet never dies expect vs eles oneshotting it or mages cumbusting it just learn to use your toolkit :shushing_face:


Feral and ret is the last comp I had who killed it. They CCd my healer, one shot pet, literally nothing I can do. If they don’t CC my pet and it had a teleport or something, then ye, I could command it somewhere.

Rat and bicmex played sv/sub pretty high most seasons afaik

Feral it is then

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