I’m getting a friend of mine into World of Warcraft and was wondering which EU server would be more suitable for a new player. I mostly play in Argent Dawn, which I really like, but it’s full. Any suggestions?
Argent dawn if you play alliance, Silvermoon if you are Horde
they have nice pop
but you can also go for the recommended server, which are just empty and desperately in need of player
Argent Dawn for Alliance and Horde if you’re into RP.
If you want a Non RP-Server
Draenor = Horde.
Silvermoon = Alliance.
do NOT go silvermoon as horde, that wont end well
Dreanor and SIlvermoon is moust toxic servers in wow i whould never play there …
na i was trolling xD
silver’s the hub of alliance rp along with AD i have no idea which place to go for horde, i’ve lost complete interest in his faction sadly.
Full does not mean you can’t create characters there. Your friend could still join you.
I don’t know if AD gets queues on new expansions. It’s not as big as some of the Normal realms.
no Q on BfA release as far as i member
AD peoples only roleplays does not mather what xpac it is …
Sometimes you can see a raid of peoples in some old level zone doing their own roleplayes it is kinda funny …
Sounds like AD is a good choice then
OP - Just make your friend aware of what RP is and not to troll people in character.
1)Tarren mill-kazzak
you forgot to say dont park ur long boy on peoples like some peoples do …
Argent Dawn Goldshire basement
yeah all the horde is in upper floor been clamed by the horde
If you have no intend of RPing i find AD a questionable recommendation.
Kazzak is pretty awesome as horde.
Meny peoples dont RP on AD what is odd . I moustly walk around reading roleplay profiles never understud peoples what has a 4-6 page long RP profiles …
It depends on what you’d like to do in the game. If you only wish to play causally, then I can recommend Chamber of Aspects. It’s quite a lovely little server, with balanced factions.
bring em to your own server.
So you can help them with gold if they need it. Full doesn’t matter.
The only time it matters is when a new expansion just hits live. Then you might end up needing a que to enter. Other than that, It’s not a problem at all.