Best Gold Farming method for a casual player?

Hello everyone.

Super old player here. I did not play WoW since beginning of Pandaria and game has changed a lot :smiley:. So i can not even consider myself returning player anymore :).

So i came back to the game like 2 days ago and what i want to be able to do is get enough gold for WoW token so i do not pay for the sub.

Is this possible for a casual player? Is there a way i can achieve this? If i can what would be your recommendation for farming?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

edit: Ofc after Im planning on doing gold farming after i max out few characters.

Farm $ or € at your job and buy wow token.

“so I don’t pay for the sub”. Did not see that.


Transmog runs usually give quite gold, nothing big but its a good way to get a bit of gold if you’re into transmog, not talking about advanced item searching but just selling items to vendor.

Other than that the Golden rule which is “sell everything you find on AH”, go for gathering professions.

Well not much changed regarding the farming gold then i guess :smiley: Thanks for the answer !

Pay a wow token 20€
Use it for gold
Pay token with gold
Use token for 13€
Pay sub with token payed by gold

And so you don’t payed for subcription :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


What? I am confused XD

if buy a token, you can use it for 13€

So instead of buying a subcription 13€
You pay a token for 20€

since a subcription is the same blizzard balance than a token
You pay your subcription 20€ instead of 20€

TL DR : it was a joke :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

i dont recomend chearing gold makeing metods on forums blizzard will nerf it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Meanwhile, buy the longboi. Instantly regret it. :stuck_out_tongue:

10 hour a month is not that bad to be honest. Im fine with 15ish hours of grinding on top of like actually playing the game :D.

What exactly should i do with old raids go in clear and vendor everything i got or i AH stuff too ?

Thanks for the reply btw :)).

u can make gold by joining rp events …

Easiest method to get started is Mining BUT OLD content, so start with arcane crystals, then fel iron in hellfire then adamantite/khorium in terrokar and then move on to saronite and khorium. That is how I farm my gold and gotta be honest I dont even reach saronite and all other stuff is already sold.
When you get gold invest in Alchemy and get transmutation master so you can get more gold from arcane crystals and also transmuting Cata and MoP stuff.
Since you are horde I recommend channel Zanzarful on twitch and you can join his 5 man groups for farming old materials and open world tmog but test things out and see what sells on your realm

sell trasmog gears on RP servers some low level greens can sell even for 5000g ea :stuck_out_tongue:
i self bouth a skirt for 75k :rofl:

lucky i am have maxed LW so when 9.1.0 comes out i can craft 235 gear sell it as BIS first day of 9.1.0 :smiley:

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