Best Horde race for BM Monks

Hi guys, i’ve decided my next char will be a BM monk, I was just wondering whether there is a standout race in terms of tanking racials on the horde side, or what my best options are?

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Probably Tauren, Highmountain or Regular, due to their Stamina/DMG Reduction Racials, and War Stomp/Bull Rush adds to that nice pool of stuns that BM has.

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Pandaren double food buff is not to be sniffed at when you’re packing an extra 100 of a primary stat - or about 1-2%.

But it is possible that tauren are indeed the cutting edge specifically for tanking. If you might want to change role, then they don’t help you out so much.

(Although overall, I’d say go with the race you like the visuals of. It’s hard work playing a character when you don’t do the aesthetics, and every analysis of every racial suggests they aren’t really worth worrying about.)

I’ve heard trolls are good too because of the haste buff? is this true?

I have a troll monk, and to be honest I don’t really find berserking that useful.

what would you recommend?

Nothing, since I’m not an expert in tanking. My personal opinion would be tauren.

For M+ Belfs rule supreme. Arcane torrent is awesome.

what about raiding?

and aoe purge /flex

Goblin have good tank racials (but cant be monk), undead theoretically do to breaking a fear ( the proc damage from passive racial which also heals them ). Orc is always nice having a flat stat buff whether that be primary or secondary stat on demand.

Zanda troll has the regen racial which is a channel. In alot of cases if you can range, LOS or kite the mobs you will get good use of this!

Going off damage for a moment regarding brew master the top four races from 1st to 4th are Undead, zandalari troll kimbul, zandalari troll bwonsamdi, gnome. This is sourced from Blood mallet -

Again pick what you want unless you intend to go for a competitive edge, looks should matter to a extent as you’re going to be playing said toon after all.

Racials stopped really being important for raiding ages ago. A very minor buff here and there… Well … Panda’s food buff is nice and all that. And Taurens for the minor stam buff + stomp.

I’d still take belfs.

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