Best in slot neck for Outlaw is now an unobtainable item, whats going to be done about it

Blazefury Medallion, which had a ridiculously low chance to drop from Lord Kazzak during anniversary event is simming the highest for Outlaw, its also evident when you check gear on top parses for any mythic raid boss

The event is over



Actually a 489 volco neck is still better. Also it was only better in ST, not in AoE.

Anniversary is over so you just have to put in the effort if you want BiS :slight_smile:

You just basically said “Volco neck is better, but its not”. ST is a big part of raids and cannot be ignored

Sorry I should have worded that better. 489 Volco neck is better period, even in ST.
The kazzak necklace was only outperforming other necklaces besides that one in ST

Not from what I have seen.

I agree. This is absolute trash.

Like many other rogues, I killed the boss every single day during the entire event and never got lucky.

The fact that there was not some sort of token mechanic, that let you buy at least one item after x amount of kills is just sad, especially considering how strong the item is.

I don’t care that you tell me that a mythic raid neck is better. We are talking about an item dropping from a TIME LIMITED world boss, that is only equaled by a MYTHIC RAID ULTRA RARE NECK!?


Absolute trash.

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It does sim higher than mythic raid neck too, I just can’t post links on the forum to share

Why put your energy in this? If you cant get the item anymore, move on. Put your energy in the current BIS gear instead. Everyone is on the same premiss.

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Leave it to someone who haven’t touched any raid to decide what end game players should do/talk about

You talk about your area of interest within the game, and let me do the same

I have parked my OL next to Kazzak the entire event.

Nothing drops from any of these bosses I swear. Time to grind for mydas Talisman I guess.

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