This is a once in a lifetime thing. We, at All Desire [H] are constantly being followed by admirers, such are our incredible looks. So we take refuge in the only place possible, in raids. There, and only there, do our fans not follow.
So we raid, Wednesdays and Sundays, safe knowing that all that can happen to us is we die to a boss. But Scarey usually rezzes us all if that happens, so it’s fine. And this is where your chance comes alive. We are recruiting. Won’t take everyone, we’ve got very high standards. You must look fab even in the godawfully ugly 8.1 gear. And you must be fun.
And perhaps you like M+. We like M+ too. So there’s that. I guess.
So what do you say? Do you have the fun and the looks to join us? Give us a shout if you think you’ve got what it takes XD!!