Best looking race for ele shaman in dragonflight

do you think the same negatives apply to dark irons ?

I mean… look at me. Dwarf, my friend. No contest.


If you’re looking to RP or something, fire on beard can be a bit restrictive. I think the regular dwarves, playing them withcwildhammer blue tattoos is more “shamanistic” option.

nah i just want an alliance race with heritage armor tbh

Then I would go with regular dwarves for shaman and dafk iron for warlock or paladin (they have really cool charger).

Dwarven DI females avoid the “fire hair” for RP issue, equally go bald, the tattoo’s are worth it.

Largely if your taking the RP slant then i guess you would also need to look into the type of character, DI shaman approaches elementals from a less harmonious route than the wildhammers, possibly allowing a darker feel to the character.

Equally normal dwarf females have some of the best hair styles and again the tattoo options that mix with them rock.

Both heritage armors are great, but the dark iron get a heritage mount and weapons on-top of that.

I actually prefer my paladin as a normal dwarf even though the DI charger is beautiful, purely for that lawful good feel to the character, this shaman however is free to be morally compromised without feeling “evil”

ahh dark iron charger really looks great . i want my ally shaman to be enha and i’m ok for a dwarf but i also really liked the female pandaren animations … they feel great, which one is better overall ?

Zandalari troll shaman looks super cool imho.
It has this tribal vibe

I prefer regular trolls mostly because their totems are cooler to me and they don’t have “bouncy” running animation as Zandalari.

that’s so annoying and destroys zandalari for me…

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