Best lore class for Vulpera

So a friend of me plays a Vulpera shaman because they think the totems look cool. But what do you think fits the best if you started an RP character from scratch?

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whatever you want to RP?

I am just looking for someone who actually played the race before. I have no Vulpera on my own.

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The statement still applies.

What class you pick, and what you actually want to roleplay don’t even need to be connected. It obviously makes sense if you want to roleplay a Shaman, but it gets more complicated when you’re roleplaying a druid, or a Vulpera wanting to become a druid.
Shamans would be suited best in this case, but doesn’t have to be.

There’s much more at play here to just say “pick class X”.
What background does the character have?
Are they Vol’Dun born and raised, or a “quitter”?
What profession do they have?
What goal/concept are you after?

All these things play a role in picking a class that makes “sense”.
If such a thing even applies.

We have Vulpera Privateers as a guild concept, their classes don’t even matter.
We have a bunch of Vulpera roleplaying the druidic path, some are monks as class, others warrior or shaman.

So to give even an indication as to what class would be suited, we’d need to know the concept of the character, and how close to the lore you would be roleplaying.


best lore characters for vulpera hmm…

Id say hunter tops the list. Your a vulpera born and raised in the dunes. Your food supply would be limited… Some Vulpera would have too be the hunters that gathers and hunts for the caravan to survive…

Next up is Rogues. Sneaky dunestalkers that hunt also and stalks and scavenges for survival.

Hmm then we have shaman… Shamans would propably be the Caravan elders and leaders… Spiritual leaders and so on.

Next we have the spell casters… Vulpera would have a hard time learning spells and advanced magic from the dunes alone. But they would be basically ‘‘Hedge wizards’’ coming out of the dunes… Entering the Horde… Vulpera spell users and the magical would learn more and more from the horde


Outlaw Rouge for the Vulpirates
Hunter, Warrior, Shaman are both fitting for the Dune-dwellers
Warlock and Mage to those who looted some scrolls and tablets and learned magic
Priest who worships the Scorching Sun’s Light and burn away the wounds and pain
Or the Priest of the Night’s Shadow, who listen to the whisper of the cold darkness of the desert night
Monk to those who like the Mogu opressed Pandaren decided to fight back using their paws and inner strength

The beauty of the Vulpera you are free to be anyone or anything you want


Rogue. . .

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Hunter probably

I’d say hunter and rogue, then warrior

How can you RP as vulpera?
Vulpera is a furry dog or fox.
You have to be on a leash in somebodys house. Or even on this mans wall as a trophy (your head).

The same way as you would RP as a Tree-hugging Elf.

Rogue or sv hunter.

The best class for RP vulpera is a nice and [Soft Vulpy Cloak] for luxury elvish cloths

Mistweaver monk

^— This.

Foxes are friends.

You watched too many times “The Fox and the Hound” :fox_face: :dog:

Vulpera would be perfect actually if they had a hub/capital. I alway thought about making one.

bold words for someone who can’t go 5 minutes without draining mana from something.

An argument could be made for a lot of classes.

Warrior: Every culture needs strong defenders.
Rogue: They are sort of bandit / scoundrel types (not really the assassination type rogue really but Outlaw works).
Druid or Shaman: Most cultures have their religous types. Head canon here for what ever works for the this role. Priest is probably too formalised for this but head conon can be quite adaptable.

Paladin (and DK) seem less suitable for easy RP for this race but as I say Head canon is adaptable so you’d have to ponder on this one.