They are a good race and I welcome them in my warband next to my LFD; the shaman and belf rogue. Feels good. Now the true expansion exprience can start.
wow… just wow. i feel really sorry for you if your really that pity that a person in a suit triggers you more then bigger and more worse issues like bullying…
normal person would just shrug and move on but i find it interesting how a certain people are hellbent on spreading hate on certain group while there not harming anyone. and are incapable of seeing what there doing. and unless your doing a 180 any comment you give to this just proofs my point.
and again i agree on you with them they got introduced the wrong way and should be more build up and lore. but that doesn’t mean you have to go a bananas on them.
but then i guess the memes are true : haters gonna hate.
so should we also close all churches cause of the whole pedo scandal that they tried to swipe under the rug? or all mosque cause 9/11? etc…? every group got its rotten apples but that doesn’t mean you have to judge the whole community for that.
there only 2 reasons why you would bring that up as a reply to my comment. 1 you wanna set a example or 2 since i know you know what rainfurrest is your just trying bait a reaction. and seeing you trying to play with your comments and your trollface jpg im guessing the later so congratulations you got a reaction. hope your happy.
and what was your choice? sorry i was one of the culprits who made a simple question topic go sour just hate the unfounded bullying of fandom’s. you can dislike something sure but to just to go all hate towards certain groups gets me triggered. my apologies to have done that in your topic.