I’m leveling a ret paladin on a second account as I want to try to dual box with two characters.
Dual box aside, I was thinking of how I could play both RP wise. But yesterday I was thinking if I shouldn’t make another class as adventuring partner for the DH. Basically :
Paladin : unexpected and original partnership, both could be the opposite of each other with the fel and light themes. I got a Lightforged Draenei for this one, so they hate demons just as much. Cool plate mogs too.
Rogue : I got a really nice Illidari mog planned if I ever make one but I feel paladin or warlock would be better. Unsure how to make a rogue fit as partner RP wise
Warlock : same themes, lots of utility, could easily make them partners as seen in legion and bfa with the undead warlock and night elf DH. Some mogs are fine but I’m not a huge fan of cloth options overall.
Which one do you think would fit more RP wise and in terms of utility if both are used together in PvE situations ?
I’m more torn between human warlock and lightforged draenei paladin.
I like the idea of a paladin teaming up with a demon hunter
(Perhaps involuntarily at first? Maybe they just both happened to be in an area attacked by demons or whatever, and had to cooperate to survive, and then they gradually come to respect each other('s abilities), although they might still have heated arguments due to their differences…?)
I like the warlock+Illidari combination, too, but as you mentioned, that has already been done by Bill & Ted, uh, I mean Marius and Tehd in Legion.
The Paladin being a LightForged Draenei makes it extra interesting
Lore wise any class would work. I suppose it comes down to what story you write in your head about the partnership. What reasons would a DH have for needing a partner?