Best pvp experience - BGs and Open world?

I’m looking for a particular pvp experience where my goal is to do BGs and then roam the open world in between being a menace.

I plan to play rogue on a pvp server.

With these two criteria I have found Classic Cata to be the best bet. So if I want to gear up doing only pvp, will I be able to do this here? And still have a populated world to explore and hunt other players.

I also thought it might be good to join a server dominated by the other faction. Sure, levelling will be though, maybe even horrible. But at higher levels I will be able to actually find other players to challenge. In retail I find war mode to be empty, and I guess Classic Era even more so?

the servers are either 99% horde or 99% alliance, it’s not like you have a balanced choice
the AH isn’t cross-faction so it’s a terrible idea to be in the 1%, just forget world pvp

yeap, but you’ll probably end up doing some pve too because you can convert valor points to conquest

I ran into quite a few UD rogues while levelling on Firemaw, it should be easy to level horde there and gank the occasional leveller, there used to even be a horde guild for that.
Zero Tolerance! That’s what their name was. Havent seen them in a long time.

If you want to world pvp only fresh anniversary classic is for it.
Cata has only BGS. Servers there turned one factioned in wotlk, unless you choose to play alliance on horde server for example…or visa versa. I saw pvp guild of alliance on gehennas wherethey often gank horde in parties