Best PvP Healer in TWW?

Hello adventurers,

What is gonna be (in your humble opinion) the best, most picked and dominant healer in TWW pvp?

Considering the most played pvp content in TWW is gonna be solo q bgs and shuffle (I’d assume)

I’m maining a holy priest as for now and I will play a healer in TWW S1. Hence I’m super curious about your takes!

Thank you for opinion/educated guess :vulcan_salute:

Nobody knows yet, there’s not been any tuning for it.

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Caster mw is strong in rbgs but no clue how this blitz will work out when I see ppl mostly run around formula speed and capping bases instead team fight like in rbgs. I guess something thats mobile, priests arent mobile. Monk and druid are tho.

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Druid in 2’s and 3’s is rarely ever bad, blizzard always makes sure its viable. And when its viable, its eons ahead usually of other healers.

Disc or holy will be playable too I’d imagine.

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in arena/shuffle rdruid and presvoker are currently the best healers.
nobody can tell what will be best for next season.

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Currently on the beta it looks like this:

S tier: rdruid
A tier: hpala , pres ,…Rsham ( closer to A-/B+)
B tier: hpriest, fistweaver.
C tier: MW.
D tier: disc.

It could all change soon, especially rdruud is most likely gonna get nerfed in upcoming builds, disc will also probably get a buff since they’re also weak in pve.

The “heal” disc for sure
I assume DPS aggro Disc could be really good in TwW with high HP,
But all depends on tuning

Best pic is priest if you can play holy and disc you have 2 heals that could be OP, all othere have only one heal specc

It will probably get buffed anyway, but as it stands right now it has the weakest hps and struggles to keep up with damage.

Although it’s damage is decent, we’ll have to see how things change though, i doubt it will remain the same by the time the season starts.

Edit: in comparison rdruud has the highest hps, the highest damage output with the recent hotw changes and the highest regen out of any healer, it’s too strong, disc vs rdruid lobbies on beta are 5 times out of 6 in favor of the druid and it’s not even close.

Hpala hps is very powerful too, as good as rdruud but only reason it isnt s tier is its low damage output.


Probably druid considering Bill Gates is maining one and therefore it’s constantly S++++++ tier :melting_face:

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