Hello what’s the best Best race and class in game for a noob ?
Try one you think is fun, play a couple levels with it, if you don’t like it try something else.
If you like elves, pick an elf. You want vanilla, go human. Exotic, go Draneii. You like fur, vulpera or worgen. Those are mainly all just a matter of visual taste. Some want to be big and burly, like the Orcs and Tauren, some want to be lilthe and dangerous, play undead or blood elf.
Personally, nothing beats Night Elf. You get a stealth ability, that noone else can get, that got a hundred different uses. Drop combat, hide while AFK, break mechancs, it does it all.
Also, Night Elf, nelf, is the BiS looking of them all. Hands down 100% true and fact.
Have fun out there, Gogetnoob
Go get em’
Can only agree on this + the combat stance with a 2 Hander is gorgeous!
The differences between the races are small, change slightly with every expansion and the best one can depend not only on the spec you play, but the set bonuses of the current season and other things.
Unless there is something specific you want or like, you should just play the race you think looks coolest. When I choose Tauren in 2007 it was not the best choice for Arms/Fury and both Orc/Troll had a real advantage, but that did not stop me crushing peoples souls into the next life. In later expansions Tauren ended up as one of the best, but it constantly changes and the differences are small enough these days it doesn’t matter.
Warrior is the best class though, obviously.
This char is since 2005
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