Best race for mages ?

Hi, I am thinking of rolling into a mage, and was thinking what is the best mage race to pick?

Lore-wise and aesthetically, in addition to your race trait bonus … Thnx!

VElf :stuck_out_tongue:. Lore-wise they are either Silvermoon exiles that mucked about with The Void too much or voluntary Blood Elf/High Elf converts.

Why to pick one: -

  • Preternatural Calm - No spell pushback, every other race will get up to 2 delays per cast when being hit by melee
  • Entropic Embrace - Chance to deal 5% extra damage for 12 seconds, not major in the grand scheme of things, but it does feel good when it procs during burst/high hitters like Glacial Spike.
  • Ethereal Connection - Half Price transmog and void storage costs, :heart: my favourite.
  • Spacial Rift - Free 30yd positional teleport every 3 minutes, awesome.
  • Chill of Night - 1% shadow damage reduction, not game changing but with all this old god stuff going I’m not gonna say no.
  • Can speak Thalassian, letting you talk to BElfs without getting an Elixir of Tongues.
  • They just look epic :3 especially with the heritage set. Also, love their animated void hair.

In the lore it’s human, blood elf or nightbourne with the background in magi.


Don’t forget the High/Blood Elves taught the Humans magic in the first place.

Preternatural Calm - No spell pushback, every other race will get up to 2 delays per cast when being hit by melee

this really needs to stop … Hits dont cause pushbacks.
It has been tens of years since its like that …

You’re joking? Right?

My only other caster is a Draenei shammy and I can say for sure that every single cast will be delayed 1-2 times by a melee enemy.

It may be ancient and completely antiquated, but it is most assuredly still a thing.

He means it shouldnt be a thing at all. It made sense in a time where Spells actually did more Damage than Melee, so a Melee needed to push back a Casters cast. But that time is looooong gone. It makes no sense in todays WoW to have Pushback at all.

I believe he thinks it’s no longer a thing

I reckon he should look at the tooltip on Icy Veins: -

Accelerates your spellcasting for 20 sec, granting 30% haste and preventing damage from delaying your spellcasts.

I totally agree that it shouldn’t be a thing anymore. It was supposed to be a bonus for melee when they finally got in melee range, allowing them to apply extra disruption.

Nowadays melee have more than enough mobility, interrupts/pseudo-interrupts, CC and ranged abilities that it’s completely unnecessary.


The greatest Mage that ever existed is a Gnome, I need say no more.

I’m gonna light you up, sweet cheeks!


I recommend Worgen and Fire spec.
We get +1% crit and Darkflight is nice movement bonus.
And now that we have our new models we look fantastic and powerful!

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