Best Rogue Race (Horde)

Undeads are made to be rogues
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undead without any thinking :D
The forsaken.
Orc or forsaken for sure!
My rogue is Blood elf for the extra interrupt but now I'm thinking about turning him into an orc.
Depend on what you wanna do really. For PVE proberly goblin. For pvp i'd say Forsaken/UD
I love the idea of the forsaken rogue but their physical appearance just messes up most transmogs. Their animations are pretty sweet tho
I love my troll rogue, but female goblins have the best stealth animation in my opinion.

Can't stand belfs, so undead would be a good option.

Still waiting till I can play a Tauren rogue :D
Undead for looks. Orc for PvP.
17/07/2018 13:37Posted by Niandrel
Belf female has an amazing stealth animation, especially when idle. Hands down the best of all races imo.

Also fit with the look for assassination or sub. Not so much for outlaw.

UD models look better in my opinion, I only really stick to belf for that stealth animation.

i agree with the be female idle stealth animation, feel this should be a shared animation to all rogues tbh
My horde rogue is goblin for the awesome stealth animation. Makes me smile everytime stealth :D
Why u wanna make ud when u can be a teddy bear?
orc for hard pvp

goblin for racials

forsaken for cool look

troll for being fabulous
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I prefer Undead just to have another fear/charm/sleep breaker, but Orc and Blood Elf work really well too.
Laughing Skull mag’har with assassination spec.

Orc Female, hands down.

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Orc, belf or panda for PVP I’d say. Troll is good for PVE. Undead has a niché set of racials same applying for goblin and zanda, its all situational stuff.

One thing to note for PvE that applies to all classes: Pandaren are future proof.

What that means is that no matter what changes Blizzard makes to your speccs and what secondary stats become optimal, Pandaren only need to change their choice of lunch and they are back into having the optimal 1% increase.

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