Best Rogue Race (Horde)

What is the best rogue race lore wise and for looks in your guys opinion? I'm torn between belf and undead for now. Should I stick with my belf rogue or should I go for undead. I just wanted to hear all the different opinions before choosing.
Orc for me,as a rouge only time i can die is in a stun lock.
I think all the Horde races fit the rogue theme except tauren. Orcs are ruthless, goblins are sneaky, undead are deadly, Trolls are resilient, Blood elf are cunning. All rogue traits in my opinion.
I appreciate you've not said goblin but since changing over to goblin I haven't looked back, everything about them yells sneaky.
My rogue is troll, and trolls are probably my favorite race of all.

However he have been created back in BC times. Times changed. This is the age of transmogrification. And a big problem with male trolls is how terrible 99% of leather transmog looks on them. Outdated hunched model and specific troll motions just kill it - everything shifts into everything, you shove daggers into your knees when you idle and squatting, and don't even make me started on the helms problem - if you think elves have it bad with their stupid ears and eyebrows, welcome to even bigger ears and damn TUSKS that do not fit ANYWHERE. And armor streched over those enormously long arms and legs does not look like armor. Tabards, or massive belts with cloth pieces... eyes bleed.

I am seriously considering making myself a second rogue - Orc female (maybe Mag'Har orc female?), up her to 60 and use 110lvl boost on her (at least it will be SOME use for that stupid boost)
Animation/transmog wise - UD both male and female. UD is the real sneaky race who operate without any remorse

PvP - Prob Orc due to racial in BFA (was Belf due to silence)
PvE - no clue, troll perhaps?
Undead and fem orc are the best imo
PvE / Animation: i would go for Goblin best animation there is for a Horde Rogue. All gear looks good on a Goblin have some nice cosmetic sets and they all look good on a Goblin.

PvP: no clue these days.
Only 1 race can dance in shadows.
Just look at me!
Which ever race looks better in the dashing scoundrels set ;)
I think UD has the best animations and cool factor. Female belf looks cool to me (i originally made this character as female belf), orcs look pretty brutal but I think suit combat/outlaw better, not a big fan of the newer races tbh.
Belf female has an amazing stealth animation, especially when idle. Hands down the best of all races imo.

Also fit with the look for assassination or sub. Not so much for outlaw.

UD models look better in my opinion, I only really stick to belf for that stealth animation.
ud always
Just for looks undead for sure be it male or female, both are great.
I’ve never liked UD due to it makes some armour look really weird due to their hunching over and bones showing through armour.

Female belf has weird sword animations though, I find male nightborne or male belf to be better melee animations, undead defintly has the best animations tho
for racials orc, gob and UD are all good. Racials aren't as important as they once were though.

for looks I would say UD or f belf.
Go goblin for those sweet best deals anywhere.
Uprising male Orc !
pick the best looks > the racials

If you sim your character in dps, its not really noticeble, between racials