Best server for Horde RP

What is the best server for Horde RP?

I know Argent Dawn is probably the best for Alliance RP, but what RP server features the best Horde RP?

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Argent Dawn once again, the Horde community is just as big as the Alliance community, just more spread out and small hub based!

Any Illidari orientated guilds still active?

I don’t think a pure DH guild can be maintained post-Legion. But there are two I’ve heard about that have that theme but take other characters like warlocks and such in as well.
I think the Veiled Glaive is still around on Alliance side (correct me if I’m wrong) and the Spectral Watch is neutral with a guild made on each side and ICly being the same organization.

Definitely Argent Dawn. There are some gargantuan, old clans there with high quality RP that do cross-guild and cross-faction RP. I suggest a look at the Argent Dawn server forums and the various horde guild advertisements.

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