Best server for returning players

Any server actually accommodating to fresh players?

im finding all dungeons groups with coins, just want geared lv60s for fast clears, literally done 1 BRD run so farm from 50+ and im about to ding 60.

I wana get back into SoD, but if i cant even get a dungeon, chances on raid catch up looking slim 2?

Its a hazzle… my pala is grand marshal, yet my guild is constantly recruiting while im unable to get a spot as holy or ret.
Nobody want paladins so pugging is hard aswell without logs

Guess if you were to play feral you would have no problem finding raids

Wild growth is love, Wild growth is life.

Especially for alliance

Living flame or wild growth

if only i could buy a transfer from Living flame to Wild Growth lol!

i find LF crap =/

LF is fine yeah there is some idiots there but u rarely find them tho