Best server to start in SOD

I know I am very late, SUPER LATE, but i wanted to give SOD a try. I’ve seen 2 of them are locked chaos bolt and lava lash, no idea why. Honestly I want to play, get the exp and maybe raid but I need a world that is alive (i am running away of retail cause of that) I don’t mind if it’s pvp or pve just a crowded server and if there are some Spanish guys better (cause I am from there) TY a lot guys for solving my doubts :smiley:

Living flame, more populated → more active world → more chances to find Spanish guys

They are slated to be merged:

Wild growth

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Those servers were closed because they were very low pop and blizz opened free transfers from them. Lone wolf and Crusader strike is the same, blizzard opened free transfers from them and they are dead now as well (only difference that they didn’t close new character creation on them for some reason, but they are still dead, only bots and resource farmers play there). Only alive servers now are wild groth (pve) and living flame (pvp), and Wild groth only alive for alliance, horde side is dead there.

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Living Flame.

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Wild Growth Alliance side