Best Transmog Set for your class/custom sets?

My current one I use on my priest characters. It’s a bit of an Aerith cosplay but I love the look and it fits what I see in a healer without going into the light themed sets too much.

The current one I am wearing is the one I like the most so far.
Going for the AnitPaladin kinda lore.
Also it works great with the Blanchy mount.

I like to think my current transmog fits shadow priests fantasy just fine.

But otherwise it would be t6!

Would suit a LF pala more tbh looks mediocre on a BE :frowning:

But the blue accentuates my eyes! And LFD feet look stupid in these boots. So no >:( I am the prettiest!


Not any of the hunter sets, that’s for sure. :sweat_smile:


TBH I dont think one set could suit all hunters. What looks good on a nelf hunter looks dumb on a tauren hunter!
I tend to go for mogs more like what Im wearing now…‘working hunter in the wild’ LOL

Please just paste the url in next time and then highlight and use the </> button. Makes my life so much easier :stuck_out_tongue:


That second set might get yoinked by yours truly


For rogue : artful dodging and Antorus set, whatever the difficulté.

Yeah, I agree.
I almost never wear complete sets anyway; it’s fun to me to mix and match and create my own look.

Always liked the BFA set for paladin

doesnt allow me :confused:

Sure buddy.
Make yourself happy.
That makes me happy too.

I couldn’t post link, so I edited a bit.


  1. replace : with )
  2. replace . with <
  3. replace l with z (there was no z previously)
  4. replace / with !

If you look at the post above yours, you will see how it looks when you do it as i described.

DK starting set if it was high res.
This season set is pretty cool too.

really like new warlock set for everything except those hanger pauldrons, so i just replaced them with shoulders from aberrus tier and it CLICKED, looks almst seamless
Working on achieving this beauty

There are many option for many reenactment, historically accurate sets for classes and races, here is som example