Best Transmog Set for your class/custom sets?

Just like the tital says, what do you think is the best transmog set that represents what you love about our class?

Personally im a big fan of the :crescent_moon:“Conquerors Nightsong”(Druid tier 8/ 25 man) :crescent_moon:


This was my favourite Paladin set for years

And then it’s newer variation during legion

But my current mog is my absolute favourite but it’s not very Paladin. I love that it’s not showing my current gloves, good old armory.

It was even less Paladin like when I wore it back in SL


Yeah that’s fair, I think paladins have great sets to choose from, but I gotta give it to you, you nailed the vampire look really well, hats off to you :tophat:


The one I am wearing naturally.

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This is my favourite troll set

I was going to say I think the NELF heritage is really appropriate but it seems she’s naked on the armory

So I had to dig through my twitter

I love that set too!!!

Honestly Pala has some lovely plate sets.

I love for priest mog from this season and the last, almost feels like it’s the best ones of all time

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Funny you say that cause this is probably my leat favourite set for druids, but maybe that just my alliance bias talking so to each their own.

Yeah the set is reeaaaallllyyyy good

I have no comment, correct, your name is also 10/10, I have no idea how you got that tbh

Yeah I feel like of all classes priest have the best sets on average cause it’s rare that one of their sets is bad like damn they got them good choices

Not sure if it’s the Shaman class or the Draenei race but I rarely look at a set and think ooh I must get that.
I’ve been using this mog since MOP when I farmed it with a friend (I couldn’t solo Patchwerk back then pre Legacy Buff).
It’s the Earthshatter Red and Gold set from Naxx (in case the portraits aren’t showing it properly).

Although the Firelands Shaman set looks pretty good on my Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman.

My paladin, DK and rogue change their sets quite often though. Recently got the DK set from Nighthold which I think is awesome.

Paladin has nice sets but they only work for Alliance. Horde should’ve never had them. But to each their own.

My favourite set would be the Bloodfang Armor (T2) for rogue.

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If you have a good transmog, never share it for free.

I actually don’t think priest has had a decent set since ICC / Ulduar to be honest, Those two were very much different and unique in my view.

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All white and blue sets and such are mine, mine, mine!!!

Gestures at Antorus wildly in disbelief

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I don’t really like the whole golden spikey feathers if I wanted to look like a arrakoa I’d just use my toy, I prefer sets that fight around the content such as antorus I’d have proffered a set that was more titan constructed but with fell corruption added onto it with light.

Maybe it doesn’t look good on the male models.

I’m a big warhammer fan so I have several characters that look the part. Sadly it’s just my Alliance characters.

Priest - the set from the Tomb of Sargares.
Rogue - set from Almost-but-not-really vampire castle from last expansion.
Dwarf - Preorder armor set.

Still looking for inspiration.

Legion gave some pretty nice sets! But it’s all subjective what we like :slight_smile:


i like the judgment and lightbringer sets
but my favourite is to match redemption shoulders and chest with sinful gladiator elite plate set(wrist,gloves belt legs and boots for 1600 rating in SL)
same white colour even more so with a lightbringer tabard

for my night elf druid the heritage armor,maybe darkshore alliance leather set
my current outfit i like how it looks
notable examples for me are the starting level 1 white gear in the blood elf zone
unadorned chain/recruits/ and the leather pieces called suncured(might be sharing looks with the bonechewer boes)

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