Best way to experience the game?

Hello, guys!

I would like to know how is the best way to experience the game now, to its fullest, the stories of all expansions and everything.

During BfA I made this character and the whole classic/cataclysm zones, dungeons, raids, everything available, and then started TBC zones, with one zone and a little from other one left to finish. Done that obviously while being way too high level, so it was not fun at all, but it made sense for me to do everything with a character as it would make sense storywise.

But now with the leveling changes I am thinking about finishing TBC with this character, and then make a new character for each expansion and do all its content of each expansion with its respective character.

What do you guys suggest? Note that I am willing to do everything available, as I want to experience everything gameplaywise and storywise.

Hi again!

Yup, you’ve got it. One character per expansion is exactly right now. Each expansion will get a character nicely from level 10 to 50, give or take a level or two.

So enjoy the ambiance and lore of different starter zones for the various races, then get each one to 50 in a different expansion. At the end, you will have a small army of 50s, which will be handy.

You won’t be able to do raids on your levelling characters, but you can walk into them and solo them on any of your level 50s. Or maybe you can do the raids with your expansion character after getting it to 50.

Now, if you really want to do everything, you’re not done at that point.

Mists, Legion, and BfA have significant storylines that were intended to be followed after hitting max in those expansions, so you will still have those to finish up, but you can do that at your leisure.


It makes sense to play a character for each expansion, as you won’t get bored of the same visuals of your character and the same class/gameplay, alright. But storywise wouldn’t it be more fitting to have everything done with one character?

If you are really determined to do it on one character, you can of course. The lower expansion mobs sill not be interesting to kill on a level 50 outside Chromie Time, and you will end up with only one character instead of several, and you will not get the feeling of multiple classes and races, but it’s your choice.

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