Best way to lvl from 40 to 50 ? (have many lvl 40s)

I wasn’t playing for a while I have characters from each class.
I leveled my paladin to 60 with shadowlands but he was already 50 when I started.
All my other chars are 40+ and have done WOD before.
In most guides people advise chromie WOD ıntro and so on, but that is not an option for me as I’ve already done them. (and I think chromie does not reset quest line)
I know I can just chill and play whatever expansion I want with chromie.

But I just want to hear from other players which expansion is better for leveling faster.

I know if character is tank or healer dungeon leveling is good but as I said there are characters from each class.

I hope I could explain myself.
If it was a 1-50 leveling I wouldn’t ask anything.
But I’ll be leveling most of my chars from 40 to 50 then shadowlands.
And I’m a bit confused with that chromie thing.

Personally I prefer Cataclysm zones, as they’re easy and you can quickly get to other zones. Other than that I think Outland is good due to the dungeons granting a lot of experience (tons of trash mobs, so it adds up).


Grab an XP potion and do the invasion :slight_smile:

I think wod is pretty fast to level in

The fastest one is whichever you are the most comfortable with the route/quests for. No expansion is automatically the most efficient by itself. If you’re gonna stand around reading quest objectives and running into dead ends or wrong paths because you’ve never done the expansion before or haven’t done it in 10 years then it’s gonna be slow. I know BFA quests best atm because that’s what I have done most recently. So I go with that as I can basically do it blindfolded.

Personally I go to BfA at 40 if I’m tired of WoD / Legion content. Simply because of the itemisation on gear combined with the streamlined quest hubs. It goes relatively quickly from 40 to 50 that way. Just remember to “exit” your current chromie time, else you won’t get BfA dungeons.

Four strats I can see depending on what you prefer/find fun:

a) pick Legion and only log in to do Invasions. Will take the most time until 50 but probably the least /played. Has an added bonus of maximizing the Rested mechanic natutally.
b) pick Cata and quest in low level zones. Cataclysm zones have more modern quest designs than BC and Wrath, and at the same time, a lot of the zones were designed for low level characters without a mount, so you will just breeze through them now.
c) pick either Wrath or Cata and go around farming Cobalt Ore or Cata herbs. Will take the longest and will possibly be the most boring unless you actually enjoy gathering like me, but will make you the most gold out of all the strategies.
d) pick Cata and spam dungeons. Cata has some of the easiest and quickest dungeons, and a lot of them were designed for low level characters with few abilities unlocked. The lfg for cata is the most populated, it has the largest variety of dungs and a lot of dungeon quests for an extra boost. If you enjoy sitting in a capital and queue spamming, Cata is the pick.


Ok OP, don’t listen to most of the advices around here. Only listen to people practicing power-leveling as their main hobby. They calculated since quite a while what are the most effective ways to level up since the leveling revamp.

WoD is the fastest xpac by a mile. You grab the addon Azeroth Autopilot, and you will be impressed by the speed at which you level. No other xpac come close to WoD, except Legion.

If you are a tank/healer, spamming Classic dungeons is also a good way to farm xp. Probably the best method of those two roles.

Did you read the OPs post?

He has already done Warlords of Draenor on his characters, so he cant use WoD.

He has done every zone of WoD with his alts ? I doubt it.

That’s what he said - and it’s not impossible if those toons quested through WoD when it was current, thus not having 'em available anymore.

Hard to believe, plenty of questlines/treasures/bonus quests in Draenor, but whatever.

Just quest in Legion then.

Yes wod intro and most of the map quests are done on all my chars. Otherwise most of the people advise WOD I know.

But what I don’t know is if chromie resets quest line or not?

Even if one zone left from draenor zones is it efficient to do that area? (I may have some zones left on some chars)

I think I’ll go with cata for now.
Actually I just leveled my DK with Silverpine and Hillsbrad + dungeons.
It was pretty fast but I can’t compare to others as I dont know other methods.

One last question, which cata dungeon is best for dungeon spamming especially for tank and healer characters ?

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