Best way to make money?

Massive Iron Axe - part of weapon smith chain for blacksmithing.

I am blacksmithing on my rogue

farm primal fire

Looks who is talking, the hunter that doesn’t have shame for boting.

  • They are spawn killing incendiary elemental at the spawn point.
  • They don’t even need to move, only spam macro : aggressive pet, moving back, feign death, auto-attack, loot.
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What the hell are you talking about? You are too uncreative to farm gold in a good way and accuse someone who does not want to give out their farmspot a botter?

What the point of having an epic flying mount if you aren’t herb / miner, anyway?

Using same skills in same order on one spot all day without even moving, how is not boting?

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You accuse me of botting when I use a low lvl hunter avatar from retail wow? You accuse me of botting when telling someone I would not tell someone my spot since then it would not be a good one anymore? You accuse me of botting because of the sole purpose of doing so?

I might just report you and move on since you don’t seem to be the brightest.

You are the reason why people dont use their mainchars for the forums. Because of people like you who harass or do stuff like that. Have a good one.

No I m explaining how 70 hunters are farming on my server.

Report me for what? Post with your main characters if you have balls.

Then type it properly? You literally accused ME of botting and not hunters in general.

So use your main character next time, not a re-roll from shadowland.

Alright reported and blocked :clown_face:

Alch it depends : if you have an epic flying mount and could spend all day to run around to finds herbs : yes.
On my server the herbs cost more than the final product in the Auction House… and forget about looks for herbs even with an epic flying mount.

Cancel culture… kek.

Stop accusing people out of nowhere for botting maybe. You could just ask where I farm instead of doing such thing. I don’t just run around and tell everybody you would bot…because there is warriors botting in terokkar on wolves…

Why I should listen to a reroll not even from the classic on a classic discussion in the first place?

Unless you are using your main character your point of view will be discarded.


Alright I hope you are going to school soon as you would benefit from doing so. Have a nice day don’t accuse the floor for slipping.

get an alt for two more profs if you want money. Money is not made from “one thing”. You make it by doing multiple things. Selling, farming, crafting so on.

Guess it changes over time, there was a good period on Razergore where you could make huge profit from just buying herbs and crafting flasks/pots. I don’t know if that’s the case now as I’ve not really followed it, most consumables have come down in price to more normal levels now though but Flasks are still decently high and Haste pots have gone up.

I would have expected

STR/Agil/Mongoose elixirs to be between 2-5g each, flasks 50-60g, haste pots 4-6g each. The elixirs are roughly where I would have expected but flasks and haste pots are generally much more.