Beta is not Release Ready

Pre-patch is supposed to be released this coming week, but in terms of readiness the beta is honestly not a beta very near release, but rather a late alpha.

There needs to be a delay in the release otherwise this is going to be a complete horror show of pet action bars not showing up, stables not working, FR client players just having an empty spell book, talents not working properly and as much as 5-10% of mechanics / spells not working as intended in an extremely significant way. And that’s just the really large stuff.

Then there’s the myriad of intricate things that “sort of work but definitely not as intended” which are still gamebreaking (especially in PvP). There’s still the broken unresponsive/slow pet AI, trap arming time randomness and countless other small things. It never ends.

The list just goes on and on. So many people will just immediately quit if this is how the pre-patch launches.

The Cataclysm Classic expansion beta is not ready for release.


The worst thing is that most of these issues have been reported over and over for weeks or even months without having them fixed. People are playing beta, reporting bugs and Blizzard barely cares. The pet bar issue has existed since beta day 1!


I was thinking the exact same thing. Have only tried out hunter as it will be my main in cata and they are horrendously bugged.

Well I’m pretty satisfied with my dwarf paladin so I can wait for a few more weeks

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I totally agree. Someone from Blizz team should read this and:

  1. Postpone the release day or
  2. Give us any assurance that they have a build where everything is working properly.

If the Cataclysm is released in this incomplete state it would be a disaster for the game. Even the PTR is not in a good shape and we haven’t heard anything from Blizz regarding it.
I like this game and just hope that it will be ok on Wednesday after the prepatch release.

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How they can even have these kinds of bugs is beyond me. I see they haven’t fixed the quest tracker either, now I can probably get around that with Questie, if they are doing Cata Classic and it is superior anyway, but gameplay breaks are gameplay breaks.

If the pet bar thing isn’t fixed I simply won’t be playing it, and I will be very disappointed because I’ve been excited for Cata Classic since it was announced.

there is supposed to be a private build where they push the updates and fixes.beta was just for finding out but never pushed the fixes there.may be copium but thats the rumour.

While that is theoretically possible, there is no evidence for it. They’ve pushed a new build to both Beta and PTR today and things are still broken. Why would they not just update to the one working properly?

Haha, these rumours always make me laugh nowadays. I remember Age of Conan beta back in 2008, it was horribly bugged just days before release but the rumour ofc was that we were playing a very old build and a miracle patch would be released on launch!

Spoiler: There wasn’t a miracle patch!

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Ah yes, I remember… :smiley:

It was highly possible that a PTR build was in the works, a build that wasn’t this bugged, but then they released the PTR with the same bugged build…
So… Even I has lost hope for a somewhat stable launch.

Many of the known issues doesn’t even feel that complex, it’s more like they haven’t had time to fix them, as they’ve been busy doing something else.

It’s my understanding that the SoD team is not the same as the Classic/Cata team.
Problem might be they don’t have any developers working on cata, maybe just a few poor interns.

Aggrend might call himself “Senior Game Producer, WoW Classic” but by now we all know it should be “Senior Game Producer, WoW SoD”.
And that’s completely fine, but at least give os someone else then!
I don’t want to be toxic or in any way hate on any of the Classic employees.
It just feels very fustrating when no informantion is shared, and even more when the information shared is wrong.

The biggest issue isn’t even the unstable beta, Wrath Classic launched in a bugged state as well. Not this bugged, but still bugged!
The biggest issue is the lack of communication!

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And the build number for the release build happening on NA rn is the same as the PTR build. You’re getting that.

Not sure I’m getting what you’re saying…

NA is getting the same build we’ll be getting, and they’re getting it at the same time we’re getting it? And considering that pre-release content was downloaded yesterday, it will surely be the current PTR build we’re getting, unless we get a 0-day patch.

April 30, 2024, at 3:00 PM PDT in NA
May 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM CEST in Europe

Getting a patch (not content opening, but actual game update) released in all zones at the same time is unusual though and I wouldn’t be surprised if was just another misinformation. Especially because a patch requires maintenance and I don’t remember ever having one at midnight.

That may be true… (Update: That must be true, my US subscription is now ready to update, while I can play Wrath on my EU subscription, so it does seem to follow maintenance)

I got the times from Wowhead and another source… But they (and I) seem to be misinformed by the worldwide release time for Cataclysm May 20 at 3:00 PM PDT/12:00 AM CEST.

TBC and Wrath was updated as part of the scheduled maintenance, and EU has maintenance scheduled from 3:00 CEST to 11:00 CEST.

Thats not true. There’s scheduled Maintenance for 8 hours that’s already running on NA but doesn’t start in EU until 3am CEST May 1st, 7 hours from now.

What I meant is there’s no “massive last minute” patch. There’s no secret hidden builds they had where bugs were fixed. The version you saw on the PTR is the one we’re getting.

Just like my last post says…

Yeah, and that one might have fixes in it now during the maintenance.

I have low hopes though, even though I didn’t wanna be a negative lad.

Based on the NA known issues… It didn’t have any fixes…

Now, leaving dungeons have an easy workaround “/script LeaveParty()
It’s insane that Blizzard can launch a pre-patch with an issue like this.

If calling LeaveParty() is all it takes, a UI workaround could be a simple button near the map. That would have been a better solution, and it literally takes minutes creating a button frame that calls LeaveParty() when clicked…

It’s like they have no idea what they’re doing!

They relased the Bluepost.
Its exactly what I predicted day 1!
They have no shadow builds your cope got destroyed! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :skull:

4.4.0 Known Issues

Updated April 30


  • Some pet classes will have their pet action bar missing after relogging.
  • The Pet Action Bar does not have Assist (instead of Aggressive stance).
  • Assist functionality does not appear to function for Warlocks and Hunters.
  • Paladins’ Holy Power unconsumed by Word of Glory are not appearing on the Paladin Holy Power resource bar.
  • New pets that hunters tame that are lower level than the hunter will not properly level up to match the hunter’s level automatically.
  • Some pet classes may have their pet action bar missing after logging out in a non-rested area.
  • Feral druid weapon normalization is not functioning properly, resulting in druids doing more damage than intended.
  • Some spells are missing from players’ spellbooks, or located on the wrong page, or are appearing when they do not exist in Cataclysm.


  • Maps are not displayed in some instances, such as Zul’Gurub or End Time.
  • There is not currently a way to leave a random dungeon finder group via the UI.
    • This is a very high priority issue that will be fixed as soon as possible.
      • Workaround: type /script LeaveParty () in chat to leave the instance group.


  • Guild chat is not displayed as expected.
    • This is a very high priority issue that will be fixed as soon as possible.
  • Guild reputation is not granted when killing Heroic Dungeons bosses as part of a Guild Group.
  • The Roster tab under guilds has a blank drop down menu that shows the edges of it when selected and nothing else.


  • Some heirloom items unintentionally have spell power.


  • The Wintergrasp quests “Victory in Wintergrasp” and “No Mercy for the Merciless” are not rewarding the amount of honor listed in the quest description.

User Interface

  • The Objective Tracker does not display all tracked objectives.
  • Tab labels have layout issues.
  • The Nameplate Unit Frame displays with errors and shows the raid marker placement overlay on the unit.
  • The Player vs. Player tab goes behind other tabs instead of to the side, and cannot be closed by pressing Escape.
  • While inspecting another player’s gear, their gear icons do not display within the UI.
  • Text to Speech: ‘Speak for me in Voice chat’ is not currently functional.
  • The Pet ability frame does not move properly with a scaling UI.
  • Groups are missing the “Disenchant” option when looting.