Better LFG system - constructive thread

What are your plans to prevent the “grass is always greener on the other side” problem, which has been plaguing LFG for a long time already? (Basically how people always falls under the illusion that the hypothetical stranger you think you can find next in the group finder is better than working through any and all problems that might come up with the ones you’ve already found, which in turn just creates that loop of always ending up in the group finder no matter what.)

^ Which is why I posted a lot about possible punishments for people leaving the group before queuing up.
Something like being unable to use the queue system for 30 minutes, kinda like how the deserter punishment works for unrated BGs and dungeon deserters.

These kinds of problems undoubtedly needs holistic approaches in the design in order to prevent them. So just spouting out weak ideals is not likely to lead anywhere. Which is why I emphasized matching overall exp, and more intuitive matchmaking for teammates, in order to increase the trust levels so people won’t feel the need to leave the group any longer once they’ve been teamed up.