Beware the Pyroclasm 1 shot bug

Sounds actionable imo.

so they become bfa s4 warlocks? hope they get banned for abusing :clown_face:


Yikes time to lvl my firemage to end! 5lvls to go

AWC is active atm. some mages been practicing for it, blizz wont do nothing till its ends


players: shadowlands can’t be worst than bfa
shadowlands: hold my pvp designers

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Imagine being so salty that you’re going to blame a bug on the game design team


People on reddit say that its been fixed somehow. Anybody got a source on that?

They should be suspended for the rest of the season at least and the lost rating should be “refunded”. Not sure if Blizzard can actually backtrack it to the games where this was abused.

Afaik that 34k pyro from Xar was just regular pyroclasm with other dmg buffs stacked, not an off-arena exploited one (if there even is a such an exploit). Unless that is a different 34k from which I saw.

edit: there’s indeed pyroclasm bug with immune targets. but still, they were also getting those one shots without exploits, since that exploit only gives you instant cast one and doesn’t increase the dmg /edit

Rune of Power, Alexstraszaäs Fury, Pyroclasm + Controlled destruction (conduit) + infernal cascade (conduit). That’s some +330-350%'ish dmg on that pyro (assuming that pyroclasm gives the full 240% in pvp, don’t play mage so no idea). Mitch is also kyrian so he gets spark for even more dmg % increase.

edit: Not saying one shots are fine or fun and shouldn’t be fixed. Just that I don’t think they were exploiting for those big hits.

Also target versality matters for those numbers.

who? what pvp design team?

Found the tard

Ofc you are :+1:

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This has absolutely nothing to do with design. It is a backend interaction.

I guess getting hit with a Full Moon during Convoke is also an exploit then.

  • Convoke the Spirits no longer casts Full Moon and Feral Frenzy when engaged in combat with enemy players.


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