I very much disagree.
Tbh mate I loved Wod, it was he most enjoyable expansion I played. It let me crack the 2k rbg bracket and nearly cracked off 2k in arena 2s which I often pug around on.
I even beat some mismatched teams at 2.2k rating because I had the arsenal to do so because of how the gearing was done.
I absolutely loved it, I felt like I had to work for all my loot, but it wasn’t restricting.
I’m a casual PvP so the occasional dungeons including the blue gear only time challenge dungeons I really enjoyed.
I loved building my garrisons, doing the garona questlines and a bit o world PvP mischief in tanaan.
It was all a height of Warcraft for me.
I have enjoyed every single specc I have played so far, except Assassination rogue and holy paladin which I’ve just barely played and thus not learned the details of yet. I have tried, so far, retribution and protection pally, outlaw rogue, prot warrior and shadow and disc priest on m+10+ keys. To me, class design seems great.
World content is pretty much the same as it has always been: Quite irrelevant and something to walk through while leveling. The leveling was quite endurable, second best ever, after WoD, imo.
“Leveling is on rails” - not sure what you mean, but if you mean that you have to follow the same route for every character you level, that is completely untrue. The variation for leveling is better than ever. You can level by questing, where you can skip everything but the story lines and do all zones or finish all quests in a few zones, or you can level quite efficiently through gathering, or you can level efficiently by spamming dungeons, or ypu can level efficiently through running island expeditions, or you can level probably very efficiently by doing the invasion-things, or, for variation, you can do any variation/mix of the above. The leveling, as so many other things, has greatly improved.
Azerite armor: The basic idea of “leveling up” you gear is something I love. The execution of the idea is quite poor though. Even so, it’s about a gazillion times better than the legendary system of Legion. Yes, it was fun for the last two months of the expansion, when you finally had the BiS you’d been wanting throughout the expansion, but getting there was just one frustration after the other. And the downfall when losing them - well, just look at the mass depression it lead to.
People aren’t able to see BfA for the good it brings, they are blinded by the tears of losing their precious legendaries and artifacts.
There has been zero specs that I enjoy in BfA, there have been specs I tolerate, somehow.
WW/BM/MW monk and assa rogue.
The class design is lazy, it is dumb, you level for 20 levels and gain nothing new.
On top of that when you level from 110-120 you get weaker every level thanks to mob scaling and you do not get any new tools to help you.
Leveling is on the rails, you are fixed to do the main story line, tell me how do you level w/o doing the main story?
Azerite armor was dead when it was first announced and when it was told how it was going to work.
If I get an armor from lets say Mythic+0 dungeon, I level my neck to the point where I can open all the traits, then I happen to do Mythic+6 and get the same armor piece with same traits, only now I have to level my neck to learn something I already had before.
The system is just bad, there is no other way to say it.
Thank god Blizz has told, that at patch 8.2 we dont have to do that crap anymore and they will give some (just watch, they will be random procs and passives that you have no control over) stuff to the necklace.
In general you can say, that BfA was pushed out 3 months too soon and that the class / world content designers were locked into a cellar for the entirety of the development cycle.
Now they have let some of them out and they are trying to stitch things together with rush.
This is not going to end well.
No offense but its a casual expansion that targets casual players. If you are a competitive player or someone that likes to minmax their character - this expansion so far its not for you.
Too much time gating, too much catchups and you can get crazy high ilvl gear only with luck.
As a casual player, I’d say you’re probably right Adlian… ps none taken
I joined the forums at the start of the expansion and from what I can see, most of the complaints come from ‘hardcore’ players who play the most but feel unrewarded for that effort, while casuals like me pick up nice gear at random.
I actually agree with you here. I think if the RNG drop thing is uneven. I’d rather see the item rewards to be more relevant to the content. Chances are I won’t be doing Mythic +10 or mythic raiding, so I don’t need 385 legs (I’m wearing them though ). Will the Azerite Armour vendor help balance that out? At least then you are getting something for the drops you don’t need.
I see no point in continuing the thread, as the OP has already unsubbed.
^^ He is playing, did 3 achievements yesterday (island expedition + Ulduar).
Although I agree there’s not much point continuing the thread.
I guess it happens, my druid is getting on in his years in regards to wow. He isn’t as spritly as he used to be. He moves slower than he used too and is much weaker in terms of the punch he can throw. I think as he can no longer run the best thing he can do is turn into a bear and hope people go easy on him out of respect for the elderly.
Also there is the issue of his dementia, he has nearly forgotten half of his action bar the poor fella.
Still at least he hasn’t started soiling himself yet. Treats for the next expansion maybe
For me it’s a failure.
It’s flagship features of Warfronts, Island Expeditions and Azerite armour all have major issues with not being FUN.
This is definitely the biggest issue, the downtime in between abilities combined with the lack of abilities. Also some.of the most pointless resources, like the removal of DK runes, well turning all 3 types of runes to the exact same time, meaning that effectively you might as well just chuck all abilities on a cool down as it makes rune management non existent.
I’m a filthy PvP casual and I hate this expansion with a passion. I cannot get gear to a competitive level due to no vendors and getting curb stomped by mythic +.
That and the; pruning of classes, need for resource management, slow combat and gcd have absolutely killed gameplay.
This expansion has alot of really good qualities. Unfortunately all the best stuff (artwork, cinematics, plot, new races.etc) is supposed to be the icing on the cake and so cant carry the expansion.
Without decent gameplay then even the most beautiful looking game will suffer. If they had given IEs and warfronts as extras and concentrated on improved gameplay then this expansion could of been the best one yet.
Yeah I know what you mean I actually feel a sense of wonder in the game when I’m not screaming at the screen.
Hahaha this made my day
BfA is my fav expansion so far. I love WPvP, and War Mode has really improved WPvP a lot. Looking forward to more WM features coming in future patches.
Yeah, its great if you play it for 2-3 months relatively casually and get bored because there is nothing to do. There are more that ever things to do its just ‘meh’.
The main problems for me are:
- oversimplification of specs (some feel better like havoc DH). I mean rly a 5 year can play this. Gets boring if you don’t play several classes.
- Azerite armor. Don’t care much about that tier sets are removed but c’mon I can think a better system off my head than the current. For example have head, shoulder and chest pieces that you don’t replace, instead you can get only relics from sources that currently drop azerite armor and infuse the relic with a power of your choice the target relic slot (outer, middle or inner) and put the target relic on the armor and it increases the ilvl of the armor. Throw some cosmetic effects to unlock for the armor maybe. Put some talent tree for player customization or like legion weapon traits that you unlock every level. Instead we have a layered rng system.
- rng rewards for noting. I mean… I’ll take it but you know… progression and gratification ? No ? k. Yes the same item from last time but not warforged. Nice, I feel like I worked for this and progressed a little to my goal.
- lack of progression. Yeah, at the start it was fun for a while but like I said there are more that ever things to do but is just ‘meh, why’. If classes were more complex/customizable and there was a fix for 2) then I think that 4) won’t exist. Recently I started farming mounts and it feels more engaging. Rly vanilla leveling is more challenging and rewarding that current end content.
There are also other changes and problems but the above ones need to be addressed. Also the xpac brings some good changes.
And btw I play alliance only and shut up about horde xpac or horde to alliance ratio 10 to 1. I know. There are more horde WM on but this doesn’t make most people quit. I’ve got conqueror of azeroth achievement 70-80% solo. Look it the bright side - more hordes for you to kill kek.
The only way to enjoy this is to play in a serious mythic raiding guild that strives for progression or play it uber duper mega casually.
Tend to agree with this yes, either you go hardcore or play casually the most people who are in the middle will go “What to do now?”. And with playing I mean current expansion content not farming ToT for mogs (all those weapons mogs).
Give us more raids to do and things will be better for a lot of players/guilds. Having just Uldir for ages did got boring fast.
Not only that:
-Relevant, worthwhile and good designed professions
-Better designed farms, not welp your boring overtuned mobs IE gave 0 dubloons trololol
-Valor/JP or badges gear back, run dungeons and raids and spend at a vendor
-WQ and raid bosses/dungeons giving small bits of titan residuum (see Legion with awakening essences)
-PvP vendor.
Just give content relevance and purpose, make it grindy but not too grindy so it ends up frustrating people but also not that they are done in 1 reset. In the middle. Isle of Giants for example was a perfect grind. Bit of RNG with bones per dino killed but you knew 9,999 bones were needed. Aside from that we Isle of Thunder back aswell, talking about the server unlocking the island and the weekly scenario.